The winter’s dial clicked over another notch this morning – did you feel that extra chill in the air earlier today? The water, however, continued its spa-like temperatures (23) – how could you not go in?
Interesting day today. Weak 1 footers right now….but around 4pm a south ground swell arrives and the swell period rockets from 7 to 15 seconds. Best keep an eye on it just in case it arrives early.
The forecast looks good for the next couple of days…small, yet fun and surfable waves. R E A L B I G on the weekend (like 8 foot). Plenty of sunshine. Enjoy.
> u g e <
yeeeeoW…can’t wait
Hi Uge – nice shots yet again. Just curious what sort of rig you use for the overhead shots – is just a monopod with your usual kit on top? Or something smaller? Cheers, Mark.
Hi Mark, yes, I have a big stick that I swim with.
Hi Eugene
I know how much you dislike questions re your equipment. But I have to inundate you with one more.
The “Hot Doggers” shot….which lens and body are you using? Canon 10-20 @ 10mm on a 1.6x crop. Or are you using the new 8-15mm? In which case I’d be very very jealous!! The 8-15mm seems to be set as the new holy grail of wide!!! We’re still awaiting its arrival here in South Africa….or atleast I am. I suspect that the FE distortion looks a bit more than what is usually produced by the 10-20 even noting the horizon is towards the top of the image so one can expect more bow. I’m leaning towards the 8-15mm or atleast I’m hoping Canon has sorted you with one! 😉
Hi Pierre, I don’t mind equipment questions, but quite often get the same one daily…so I tend to nod off. I do try answer as many as I possibly can (we get more comments/mail that any human on this planet).
That was shot with Canon 5dMark 2 with a 15mm fisheye. old kit, simple kit, but good kit. I’ve had that 15mm fisheye for about 10 years now…it’s probably taken 90,000 shots with me.
Don’t get too bogged down on equipment. You can shoot that sucker with so many different combos. (is the 8-15mm out yet? I don’t have it – odd)
Focus more on composition and capture a rare, or good looking moment I say…
Ok, over and out. :: uge
Ah ye the 15mm is a classic. Did you have to trim the hood to use on the full frame? Have you had any issues using it witht he full frame body?
I just sold my 550D, looking at the 5D MK1 as my first full frame. I’ve got an old sigma 14mm…a little more prone to flare then the Canon 15mm but still an awesome lens! 😉
Been considering a new lens. Choices are Canon 8-15, Canon 15mm, Sigma 8-16 or Nikon 10.5mm (did I just say that??)
Inorreclty assumed the 8-15 is not out at the mo….eveyone is still waiting. Thought it was just SA 🙂
I hope Canon sorts you out with one when it eventually becomes aval. and if/when they do please please post your first usage with it in the daily mail as “New Lens”
My morning does not start until I’ve checked out my daily Aquabump aka stoke and would be extra boosted by seeing that!!
I cant wait to check out the lens and what you do with it!!!