Goodbye 2010
This is the last Aquabumps update for 2010. I’ve taken thousands of shots and today I’m showing you some of my favourites taken this year. You can see more of 2010’s best at this link. It’s been a big year. I still spinout when I think that this little update started in 1999 just sending […]

Hiya. There’s a little wave out dere. Bigger and cleaner than yesterday. Not smoking but surfable(ish). A few of the larger 3 foot sets were showing promise, but the banks weren’t doing much. I reckon it will improve with the incoming tide. High tide 10:20am, low tide 5pm. 1.5 days left of shopping – If […]

An severe drop in swell energy and early morning southerly has ruined your plans of a good wave this morning. After yesterday’s delights we now have 1-2 foot onshore junk. Pass. Nice day though, 25 degrees. Tomorrow ‘may’ have a little bump with NE winds, other than that it’s going to be a Christmas of […]

What a difference 24hrs can make. We’ve gone from Lake Bondi flatness to 3-4 foot pumps in 1 day – hooray! Finally something to wet your appetite…it’s not perfect, bit fat, could be bigger, but in comparison to recent times – gold! So many south facing beaches would have a little wave today…if you’re already […]

Very rare to see the ocean this flat. I know sometimes I say it’s tiny, or flat and there still is ankle biters or knee cappers….well today when I say it’s flat, there’s basically no movement in the ocean at all…like a lake…caputo…zip…nada…pancakes. It actually looked quite odd…can’t remember the last time it was this […]

Com se com sa
There was a little sumpin’ flappin’ around out there, but I didn’t think much of it. The left more towards the middle had the odd wave worth slaying, other than that – junk. At least the water temperature has come up. So the dribbles of this east swell will dissipate as the day progresses. The […]

Good Morning
Nice’n’calm, still morning. Barely a ripple to surf and yep, there’s 10 human torpedo’s in the southern corner causing chaos. I reckon it’s more dangerous today than 6-8 foot days. Those china made mini mals can kill. It’s hot’n’sticky 28 now, but a south storm is approaching. Can feel it getting darker as I write […]

The plague of small swell continues. Bondi had 1-2 footers and is still very weak (windswell). Not much else to see down there – apart from a whole pile of people. Nice weather, max 27 degrees, maybe a thunderstorm later. Pretty flat until some good stuff arrives next Monday/Tuesday. Sit tight. Most of you probably […]

The Early Bird
It’s not often you’ll get a daily email from me this early – nup. I guess it’s a combination of no decent waves to photograph today and an abundance of early light for the insomniacs (me), so I’m ahead of my usual schedule. Yesterday the wind finally swung south, this is good. A) it means […]

What a big weekend around the beaches of Sydney. Phew. Bondi was jammed packed. I’m talking Australia Day crowds – police on horseback, Oprah and Jack Johnson all visiting Bondi yesterday – no, Big O didn’t make it into the gallery (probably ‘cause of the traffic jams of spinning rims and hotted up Datsun 120ys). […]

Nice’n’clean’n’neat this morning after yesterday’s blow. Shame there’s barely any swell. It’s still from the NE, but struggling 1-2 foot. Seems to be dropping fast as well. The water temp. was the topic of convo this morning – it’s plummeted to a ridiculous temperature and colder than that freaky cold Sunday 2 weeks ago…my guess […]

Yesterday’s howling northerly stirred up some wind swell that hasn’t hung around long. Last night we had 3-4 foot, this morning 2-3 footers, and now 1-2 foot. Quite surprised how fast it dissipated. Oh well, hope you got a few whilst it was here. The outlook isn’t looking that great. A rapid decline in swell […]

I realise you’re probably gonna look at today’s shots and think I’ve gone a bit long on young Bronte surfer Caleb Reid, well, I have, but I also think it’s well deserved. Do you see many dudes tearing 2 footers? The surf wasn’t spectacular earlier – but sufficient. Even less spectacular now that the northerly […]

Well look at that. A little south swell snuck into Bondi this morning amongst the morning heat. It’s only 2 foot, fat and weak, but rideable. It was hot early, like 25 degrees and the water has finally heated up a little – 19. The nor-eater will howl 20 knots today…creating a new wind swell […]

Silly Season
Summer has finally kicked in and silly season has begun. Scores of people hit the beach yesterday, and some didn’t leave (see exhibit A above, must’ve strolled at of the Bondi hotel at the wee hours, fallen in Hungry Jacks, then passed out on the beach). Onya buddy. Poor fella has probably only been in […]

It’s always a nice surprise to have good weather after expecting dreary rain and greydom. Don’t always believe the hype. The water has that chilly bite to it, 17.9 degrees, but it’s nothing on last Sunday when we visited artic waters (sub 16). Ridiculous wasn’t it. We’ve got some junky wind chop resembling waves…Bondi was […]

Bigger and better today – and it’s not raining can you believe it! Still junkie, but you’ll find 2 footers around the traps, with the odd 3 footer at north exposed beaches. Wind is going to blow 25 knots from the NE and yep, the outlook is for more rain. I suspect this tiny spike […]

Where the hell is summer?
It’s not often that rain hinders my morning shoot so much, that I have to show you something else to distract you from your busy day. But hang on, 3 days of rain in a row? It’s real wet and grey outside. Welcome to the first day of summer kids! Where the hell is it […]