We know you’ve all been missing Uge’s regular emails, so we thought we’d select a few of our favourites from the gallery to give you a well deserved 2 minute holiday. Here are some of my favourites.
People often ask what it’s like working at Aquabumps – well, I am surrounded by beautiful images, I cycle to work, have lunch on the beach, meet really nice customers and I get to talk all day, so it’s pretty good. I can normally squeeze in a surf and yoga too, so that’s why we’re always smiling in the gallery.
The weather gods don’t know whether they’re leaping into Spring or staying in Winter this week. We’ve had some erratic weather in Sydney – sunny one minute, windy and rain the next. Forecasts for the weekend are the same.
Either way, the Aquabumps gallery is open all weekend 10am – 6pm. Come and see us and pick up a gift for your Dad for Father’s Day. T: 9130 7788
:: Gloria
(the gallery chick)