i B U M P S
Little bump in the bay this morning. Nothing special. Thick overcast early which has now burnt off. Every 15 minutes there was a (freaky) head high set rolling into the rip bowl in the middle, but I could have been lucky with my timing. Mostly waves 1-2 foot dribblers. ENE swell, NW winds and it’s […]

The swell has gone nor-east and period dropped. Bondi still has some fun little ones (2 footers), just need to drop anchor whilst waiting in between sets (rips are horrendous – still). Clean’n’offshore right now, brief moment of sunrise glory at 7am before returning to greydom. Max 19 degrees on land, will rain, yes, oh […]

dark o
Quite a tricky morning to capture a decent image down at Bondi. The rain was coming and going, it was also so dark that you could barely get a decent shutter speed and most people were glued to bed. We’ve still got a dead south swell and north wind (which Bondi loves) but that’s about […]

Bondi Rapids
I am not sure if I’m reading the right swell charts but they’re claiming a spike in swell period from 8 to 20 seconds during today. Don’t see that every day. 20 seconds is what you normally find in Indonesia with well-groomed ground swells, not here in Sydney. The wave heights are lacking size which […]

Rip paddles
It’s wasn’t bad at all this morning considering the forecast was for 1-2 foot dribblers and rain. 2 distinct peaks had 2-3 footers with the rip from hell running. Swimming with a camera wasn’t the easiest thing. Pockets of sunshine and a warm(ish) morning – nice! Offshore winds now, onshore SE later. Max 18, Min […]

Morning Sickness
Don’t believe the hype…the predicted south swell has dropped rather than spiking up. Some sort of morning-junk-wobble-extravaganza going down – which made it look very ordinary at sunrise. It got a little better towards 9am, but only half as good as I thought it’d be. 3 footers, SW winds, moments of sunshine. Weekend outlook: SE […]

It’s not too often I can say this, but it looks quite tasty out there right now. We’ve got a spike in swell producing waves around 3-4 foot at Bondi. Ok, so there’s still some leftover junk from recent winds, but it looks beltable with some meaty sections. I’d say an early paddle would be […]

Boom! Wow, how’s the thunderstorms last night? Thought Moses was waving that staff around at Mark’s Park. Boom! Another cold winters morning, the kind that hurts when putting on the rubber. The surf conditions were quite poor this morning – so I’m not really sure why I went out for a swim with my camera. […]

S h i f t y*
In came the new dead south swell but so did it’s buddy the wind. Waves pushed up into the 3 foot range but 20 knots of cross shore will definitely put some randomness out there. The gale is said to calm down as the day progresses, one can only hope that means an improvement in […]

I shot a lot of pics this morning – more than normal. I am not sure if it was because: a) I read too many photography books on the weekend (and was a bit overzealous) b) Had too many coffees c) There was just a lot going on this morning down the beach (pros, airs, […]

If you’re looking to kill half a day, put 5 surfers in a car and drive around the northern beaches for 7 hrs. Easy done! Check break A,B,C then go back to C, check D, then one surfer reckons the tide is good for A but by that time we’re due for coffee and gags, […]

Kinda of an odd day. We’ve got leftover East swell which has been beaten by the westerly wind stick overnight and fading fast…then later a new south swell will hit bringing the goods. I like the look of tomorrow at South facing beaches. Maroubra had a little chilly wave on offer early today (2ft) with […]

east peaks
The inbound east swell arrived and provided some fun ones this morning. Looking out the window as I write this I can’t see a cloud in the sky – my, my, what a difference a couple of hours can make (it looked like it was going to bucket down at 7am and was shooting in […]

’twas one of those nice warm winter mornings where a swim wasn’t out of the question. The waves are still flat and the skies fat with clouds. Looking forward to tomorrow’s new east swell – that’s for sure…not much else to write about until then. Here a few snaps from my last week’s Kimberley’s red […]

An old mate from out of town was calling me early for a swell check at Bondi as he was passing thru. He had that twang in his voice that told me he hadn’t surfed in a long while (kids, Perth, beer) – so he’s frothin’. At 6:30am I cruised down to see what the […]

El Questro
Inland. Yep, I’m currently off the coast and shooting some red dirt. Never done it before – don’t worry, it’s only 1 report and we’ll be back to your Bondi routine on Monday. Today’s images come from El Questro, a million acre wilderness park in the Kimberley’s of West Oz. A place where you can […]

Not much to work with down at Bondi today (photography-wise). The storm clouds are laying it on thick as the swell doubled into the 4-6 foot range. Had to shoot these pics at 3200 iso…that’s how dark it was. 3 guys out early waiting for something decent to roll in…the SE onshore was hindering most […]

Another morning of good conditions down at Bondi – and don’t you all know it. Quite a few more crew out for the early on the whiff of a 3 foot set. Winds were a optimal NW early, but will swing more southerly as the day progresses (up to 20 knots). Looks like there will […]

fruity monday
After a successful weekend of south swell it’s tapered off somewhat this morning. Halved me thinks. Bondi had a 2-3 foot wave, little wonky but mostly fun as not many people were out (brr). The rain has now set in after threatening rain clouds circled the bay all morning. The great news is that we’ve […]

No Show
I was surprised to see the inbound swell hasn’t arrived yet as the period jumps from 6.3 secs (4am) to 13.4 secs (10am) and then onto a heavy 18 secs (10pm) by tonight. In simple terms that should mean a new ground swell flowing into Sydney – where is it? Maybe check it later. Should […]

C r i s p
Incredibly flat morning…even if you were the keenest of keen you’ll struggle to find a push today. Nice, fresh, crisp morning to be up and about though as the Whales swim across the bay followed by a large pod of dolphins. To top it off, there was a colourful sunrise with some low hanging cloud. […]