Not bad waves today...


You’d think after sending daily emails for 11 years we’d have a better handle on it…nope. You may receive two daily emails today, a colourful Lizard Island escape that was intended for yesterday and now you’ve got our back to Bondi edition. Ah yes, a well oiled machine here at Aquabumps. I even lost a 16 gig card between the beach and the office which had all my sunrise landscape shots on it, hence only surfing images today.

I’ve only been away for a few days but it seems like a lot has been going on back home. We’ve got a NEW south swell (fun 2-3 footers), a NEW female Prime minster, a NEW ice cold WSW wind (straight off the snowy peaks) and NEW bull dozer, hacking apart the natural sand formations on Bondi beach.

Good day for a fun, small wave if you can brave the cold (low crowds). Only 4.7 degrees this morning – that’s the coldest June day in 27 years. Forget surfing tomorrow – flat.
I will try and be more organised, and you’ll only get 1 edition of the Bumps tomorrow – word.


P.S. It’s the end of financial year tomorrow – maybe come into the gallery and buy that office some badly needed artwork! t:9130 7788 or 151 Curlewis Street Bondi Beach

Luke Kennedy on 5'6" midget board

Middle set putting on a curve

Is this necessary? Making the supabank? straitening?

Corner set with a wall

8 thoughts on “Snap

  1. hi Uge followers… bulldozer on the beach may be preparation for winter festival… iceskating is coming to Bondi beach this July 🙂

  2. Yeh, I think we need a surfer/scientist with hd’s in wave formation behind the wheel of that massive bulldozer. We struggle enough with getting any kind of decent waves at Bondi. I bloody well hope he’s not making the banks worse!!! That’s all we need………….

  3. Jeez, you’re testing my memory there Uge.

    I remember surfing a left at middle while the 2000 olympics were on. It was a long time ago but I think it was similar to the one we’ve been getting on and off recently – the left in front of the lifeguard tower.

    I don’t know. I’m not an expert on sand bank formation. I wish I was. I guess i’m one of those that prefer nature to just do it’s thing. But we live in Bondi and if it’s not the Olympics it’s an ice rink. What can you do. Just got to live with it and hope it makes the banks better and not worse.

    Like I said before, it would be good if the bull dozer driver was a surfer and could somehow create some banks that would hold over 3 foot waves. Imagine perfect 3-4 foot barreling waves!!! How good would that be…………. Dream on.

  4. Where’d the Gt Barrier Reef shots go? Lizard Island looked amazing, we wanna see more, or was it a take the money and run…

  5. Waaaay back when there were sand dunes at Bondi, where there is now a concrete wall for people to promenade and pound in their joggers, the surf was reportedly better on more days because the sand bars (banks) were less often parallel close-out material. I’m old enough to have been around when some old timers that surfed in these times were still alive. The council tractor is moving sand around that would have moved between the stores of the spinifex, grass and shrub covered sand dunes and the surf zone. Maroubra is a beach tyhat is closer to this natural state, at least the southern half of it. Do you think the banks are more often better ? I do. So why the tractor ? I think Council just likes to see an even distribution of sand rather than having it pile up against the promenade.

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