Yesterday and Tuesday this week were incredible days to be a surfer in Sydney. Everyone has stories of scoring gold.
Well, the epic SE swell has died from yesterday… and we’ve only had a few hour gap before a brand spankin’ new south swell has arrived. Wish I had a time lapse series from this morning…at 6:30am 1 ft, 7:30am is slightly kicked to 2 – 3 footish and now it’s 4-6 foot and roaring. Why can’t it be like this all year ’round. OH, did I mention the sunshine is out…the wind has the winters claws that dig deep, but nice to get some rayz, soak it up.
There is swell all the way through to next week…go surfing whenever you can at south exposed beaches (they may start to max out soon)…
In the gallery we’ve got these hot new 30mm thick acrylic blocks ( 30cm x 20cm ). They sit on your desk as a window to where you’d rather be. They also come in a handmade Aquabumps box…great for a gift and we can put any image in them. People think they look 3d. Come hava look in the gallery. Aquabumps 151 Curlewis Street Bondi Beach NSW T:9130 7788
Later:: U g i o s
Hi There,
Rad photos again today…. wish i was not stuck in my box
Can you tell me how much the new acrylic blocks?? i need one…
Thanks heaps