It’s big and gettin’ bigger. By far the largest swell we’ve had here in months…and it’s NOT really surfable at Bondi. 6 foot + and closing out most of the bay. I saw a rogue set break so far out the back it was quite impressive – must of touched the 8 foot range. For people that like the technical data, this is a 178 degree, dead south ground swell with a 12 second period (that means plenty of grunt and its a ground swell!).
Not an easy decision this morning on what to do…drive outta town? Surf the local protected corners around here? Is the wind a bit too funky for it? Morning sickness? wonky? Yes, well 6 sms’s before 6am proves we’re all driving around in circles in the excitement of our new swell, but really, only a few select places will be working today. I’d say as the new swell settles, and drops to manageable levels, somewhere would be smokin’… Somewhere… But I know that Eastern suburbs beaches can’t handle this size.
My online surfboard ebay garage sale ends tomorrow – see all my preloved sticks going for a steal.
The Aquabumps Gallery is open regardless of the big swell (Rule#1: always hire staff that don’t surf) Drop by 151 Curlewis Street, Bondi Beach (2 doors up from Thai Terrific, just behind Bondi Hotel worksite). Still lost? Call 02-9130 7788.
Advertising on the Aquabumps daily is the best way to promote your business to 30,000 good looking, smart, sophisticated people. It’s ridiculously cheap to do so. If your business is relevant (we’re fussy), contact us…More Info or call Gloria 9130 7788.,
Ok, enough ramble. Enjoy, 28 degrees today and 30 tomorrow:: uge
That left in the middle looks a bit like a right. ; )
Uge.. the odd left in the middle appears to be a right.. 😉
smokin swell today tho’
Yikes. I must of been tired today. Slappin’ myself as I write this…sorry, it was a right, not a left!
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah its a left not a right cant you see
You clearly needed a longer holiday Uge.