
The ocean was confused this morning. Last nights Nor-East blast put heaps of bump into the chunk. Looks like it’s also dropped a couple of feet…but there’s still a few rideable bumps wobbling into the corner (2-3 foot). After an early morning thunderstorm and shower its back to summer bakin’ paradise. (max 29 degrees). Good […]

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Yesterday was pretty special down at Bondi. Good times…this consistent new south swell is full of grunt and paired with a northerly wind – just perfect. Unfortunately it got too big for Bondi this morning and was predominantly closing out (and its still getting bigger). The peak in the middle was the better option. Its […]

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Friday’s Batch

The remnants of this east swell is hanging in there…just. South Bondi has a great righthand bank but the swell is lacking power as it declines further today. 3 foot sets, 1-2 foot most of the time. SW/SE 5/10 kts, tending SE/NE 10/15 kts during the afternoon, chance of a thunderstorm later as we hit […]

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After 2 weeks of unsatisfactory surf conditions the fields are full of Clover once again. It’s a special day…sun is out, winds are offshore and behaving. This East swell is producing the goods with 3-4 footers at exposed beaches. It seems to be dropping – fast – much faster than expected. By the time I […]

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Low Blow

When is this corrupting LOW going to run out of BLOW? I mean really…it’s been days of onshore and rain. How about a little break eh? Today’s forecast was for easing winds…well, it’s currently howling onshore and surfing Bondi would be a bit like white water rafting. I didn’t bother shooting in the downpours so […]

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The onshore marathon continues. Bondi had a small group of surfers out this morning – huddling close together – maybe closer together than normal. They weren’t really catching anything worth writing about…3 foot mush burgers – so you’re missing nothing down here at the beach. Tomorrow is a different story, these nemesis onshores are meant […]

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It’s rare to see Bondi deserted in the morning. Not a surfer in sight nor a soft sander bakin’ laps. Rain and dark clouds dominated the morning as the howling ESE onshores tore the surf to shreds. Is everyone spooked by Friday’s shark attacked? or are the conditions just plain disastrous? The latter I should […]

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Shark Attack at Bondi

Obviously there is a massive amount of shark talk around Bondi this morning…At 7:30pm last night a shark bit a surfers arm as he was paddling out the back. The incident happened half way between the lifeguard tower and southern corner. This is the first shark attack in Bondi since 1929 and the second shark […]

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The swell we’ve all been waiting for has arrived – but so has the wind. South facing Bondi is squeezing every ounce out of this solid SE swell. Waves are breaking 5 foot + this morning…but it’s a pigsty. Flanking 15 knot southerly is disrupting surface quality. Basically we need this wind to die, give […]

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We have swell – tick. 3 footers at Bondi but it’s really quite messy and the incoming high tide was puttin’ plenty of pork into a chubby Bondi. By 10am it was merely a fat high tide shorey, but as we approach the 5pm low tide it should break out the back again. Cool weather […]

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winter bump

If you sneak out amongst the rain you’d find some waves down at Bondi. Yep, waves. Remember those things. The swell came up last night and is hitting the 3 foot range. Few crew out finally enjoying some waves even though its bumpy and random. Winds are currently 8-13 knots of SE which will swing […]

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Random Archival Revival

I roamed around the beaches of the east this morning in search for something surfable. Bondi was looking terrible (7am)…onshore and a 2 foot shorey. Bronte had the only wave going – but was…um…not that great. 2-3 foot, bumpy with short rides. Thank god for this south change which has cooled down the land temperatures […]

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Sunrises seem to memorize people. Bit like seeing a whale. When it’s a good sunrise everyone stops in their tracks, jaws drop, heads tilt as they stare into the burning inferno – a lot like a Roo in your headlights. Today’s sunrise was a cracker – best one yet for 2009. We’re so fortunate that […]

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A slight hint of SE swell was pumping the odd 2 footer out at Bondi earlier today – quite surprised. The tide was high at sunrise making the swell slap on the shore – full as a boot. As the tide pulled out it looked like the left was working subtly. What a nice day […]

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Last’s nights brief interlude with a mini-cold-front brought some temperature relief and rain – but no swell. Well, I lie, Bondi has improved marginally from near flat to a 1-2 foot shorey. A small hungry pack of frothers were out scrappin’ nonetheless. Tomorrow – same same. Low tide 10:20am High tide 4:10pm and the water […]

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Spectacular sunrise this morning with burning hues splashed all over the skies. The surf is less than spectacular as the swell drought continues…we’re in Feb and I don’t think we’ve had a crankin’ swell for 2009 yet! Feb brings hope, we always seem to get one booming swell in Feb…let’s hope it’s this weekend as […]

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After a heeeeeavin’ beach weekend we have nothing to surf today. I repeat – nothing. It’s been some time now since the gods favoured us…TODAY: 1 foot weak NE wind chop hop – that’s it. There has been a few stealth wind swells pop up – but they’ve gone. The swell radar for this week […]

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Cheap Tricks

Replica morning to yesterday. Micro waves, hot, plenty of activity on the beach and a little bit of fog as the hot air mixes will the cool. The wave situation is quite dire….1 foot dribbly bits. The swell radar shows little relief for the next 7 days. Head to Hawaii, Victoria or Margies where they’re […]

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Dry Patch

We’re in the middle of a small swell drought. There are waves…really small ones – you’d have to be very keen as the power throttle is way down to a 5.5 second period. That won’t push much, well anyone over 40 kay-gees would struggle. Most of my mates are double that. Some even triple (Damo) […]

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Last night a stealth 2-footer kicked up on a bank at South Bondi. Impressive…seeing it was dead flat in the morning. This morning was smaller, as the swell is now more ENE at a 7.6 second period (windswell – weak). Perfect morning, no clouds, warmer water (22 degrees) and a clean 1-2 foot rideable wave […]

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Today is hosting some of the worst surf conditions I’ve seen in a while. Onshore 1 footers with insistent rain. Can only get better from here…not for a few days though. Sitting in the car park I opted not to shoot any pictures of this ‘Turneresque’ grey landscape – instead here is a little island […]

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There was a micro wave hitting a shallow bank at Bondi. Well kinda… 1 footers predominantly broke with chilly water (boardies alone is not sufficient). Waht a steamy night (not talking about with the little lady)…it’s bakin’ again down the beach with massive morning crowds enjoying the fruits of mid-summer. Maximum of 30 degrees today […]

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I was surprised to see a little wave in close to shore this morning. Sets would have been around 2 foot, breaking left and right. Nice morning to go for a surf as its currently 27 degrees (at 8am)….which is really hot for this time of day. Bondi Beach was packed by 7am … People […]

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You know the surf is bad when you see guys walking away from the beach with dry hair. (especially learners on those Chinese $200 mini mals). We’ve got a flimsy NE swell that is just breaking at Maroubra, but not really anywhere else. Bondi was pretty much flat apart from the solo shorey I capture […]

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True North

Sorry about the late report – got distracted. Another magnificent start to the day – clear skies, warm(ish) water, north swell with north winds. Last night we saw a mini-spike in swell…but today it was 1 foot maybe 2 feet..best suited to large surfcraft. Perfect beach weather right now…enjoy it now as a late thunderstorm […]

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summer dribbles

What’s left of this dribbling south swell is breaking around 1-2 foot in the shallows of Bondi. Fat ones broke well out the back fizzling to shore (fools gold), whilst the odd shorey had a mini-section. All in all its not great – yet surfable. The summer’s bake continues as it will hit 27 degrees, […]

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The beach was packed yesterday…barely a scrap of sand spare… At 3pm yesterday thick clouds crawled across Bondi’s summery beachscape. Within minutes of the first thunder clap we had howling onshores and the beach was cleared in minutes. I was quite surprised to see clean conditions and the odd 2-3 footer this morning. It’s a […]

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The swell has dropped as the thermometer soars sky high. A fat 38 degrees forecasted for today so join 30,000 other people on Bondi beach for the afternoon’s bake. At 6:30am you could already feel the intensity of the heat…it’s going to be a scorcher. Waves were 1-2 foot at Bondi and very, very weak. […]

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It may be your first week back at work but today is a great day to wag work and bake it out of town. Bondi and surrounds don’t look like they have much going on, but somewhere is going off with 3-4 footers at East facing beaches (and NE winds)…you’re dreaming if you think I […]

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Eastern exposure

There are waves today at east exposed beaches. Good waves. With a 9-10 second period, the power might tweak up a little. I’d say it’s one of the better days this week but you’ll have to get out of Bondi – which is neglecting the energy source. A bakin’ 28 degrees is forecasted for today. […]

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King tide

We’ve got a new East swell and summery NE winds to kick this week off. I am not in Bondi, but I’ve been told its 2 foot in the corner and offshore. (I would also assume a very large crowd out for the early seeing it is a stunning day with a max 25). At […]

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Happy New Year and bring orrn 2009. We’re not completely back on board, just in between trips and thought it was time to change my homepage as I tracked thousands still hittin’ it every day since we’ve been on hols. You could do with a change of scenery. G’day From WA They weren’t mucking around […]

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