
Small little wave chuggin’ in the corner at Bondi this morning (1 small foot, maybe 2). Looked inconsistent, uncrowded and weak. Interesting day though, the wave period pushes up to 17 seconds later today – but wave heights remain small. Might see a small spike in swell later, but I’d assume long waits between waves. […]

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La Plage

Grey start to the day, which seems to be lifting – slowly. Small little 2 footer down the hill at Bondeye. It’s clean and crowded. At this stage it’s only a weak lil’ swell, coming from the south and accompanied by NW/NE winds. It’s surfable and good for a play…but nothing serious. (hint: ride a […]

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Struggling to get a decent shot from the car this morning amongst the drizzle. You know the surf is bad where there are 2 shots of Justin’s dog making it onto Aquabumps. 2-3 foot onshore sloppage. 5 guys out at Bondi (yep, Will and Bruce were out there frothin’)…not really getting much. Stay in bed. […]

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It’s pretty feral outside. 30 knots of onshore southerly is ripping through, bringing rain and chaos. Forget the beach today in Sydney…it’s shambles. Good day to be inside and pumping out the work, or better still, great day to be back in Fiji. Here are some images from our recent Fijian sojourn. Keep dry :: […]

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Fridee rambles

Not really spinnin’ my wheels out there this morning. 0.5ft – 1 footers and crowded. Recipe for disaster. Wear a stack hat. Glorious weather though, 28 degrees today and summery NE winds all day – well, before a late South change which will ruin this pretty picture providing rain all weekend. Yep. Rain all weekend. […]

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Bondi is a funny place. Regardless of surf conditions, get a few clouds above and you’ll have a deserted peak, crank the sunshine and 500 guys are paddling for the same wave. There are waves this morning – mostly between 1.8 foot and 2.3 foot…it’s messy due to last night’s onshore blow…but it’s orrrkay….especially when […]

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The inconsistent 3 footers of yesterday have dropped a few gears whilst the crowds are back up. Small 1-2 footers in the corner, still fun, when you get one – but that ain’t easy, especially getting one on your own. It’s dropping fast and the afternoon nor-easterly will kick in soon – 20 knots. High […]

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Those swell charts were right. Spike in swell as the wave period hits a whoppin’ 18 seconds – pity its only @ 2-3 foot. A solo bank in the south end put one some fun waves – albeit inconsistent due to such a long period. Crowds were large and hungry this morning. Keep your wits […]

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Yet another magical morning, warm, sunny and a small 2 footer trickling into the corner at Bondi. Plenty out, hopeful of a sneaky left. Winds are optimal NW as we head to a land maximum of 24 degrees. Waves are a lil’ weak, but fun. If you’re not sitting in your cubicle pretending to work […]

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A mini-stealth swell has been sneakin’ under the radar all week.  Today is no exception with 1-2 footers in the corner…bit weak…but surfable (and crowded). The water is gold…warmer than norm and clear. Go swim. Offshore all day…max 21 degrees. Summery morning with thousands of morning exercisers and the odd passed out dude…ah yes, Bondi […]

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Cumulus Maximus

Hola! Quite an impressive morning – hope you got down there. It all began with a decent sunrise for the insomniacs….and then the clouds morphed into buckled patterns (good lens fodder)… then small 2 footers chugged into the corner…oh, and the water temps bumped up a tad making the boardie session an option. Go outside […]

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If you rolled down the hill at the wrong time today you’d swear it’s 1 foot or near flat. If you sat out there long enough a set will roll through every 15-20 minutes worth riding. Yep, that south swell is still hanging in there by a thread – but you’d have to be very […]

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Corner traffic

Sorry about the lack of updates lately – it’s me not you. Today the swell has managed to wrangle a 2-3 foot wave in the southern corner of Bondi. It looked great, when they came through, but it was very inconsistent…and crowded. It’s 2:50pm and the NW winds are hooooowling 25-30 knots. So paddling into […]

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Some big waves rolling around the joint. Especially on dark last night. It’s pulled back to a manageable 6 foot, but still very agitated. The winds have also dropped a gear from gale force to 20-30 knots of southerly. Not ideal conditions for that casual paddle, but if you’re keen to test your fitness, head […]

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Crazy windy and wild out there this morning. Getting up to 40 knots of S/SW winds today – that’s enough wind to take your Sulo Bin down the street spewing its contents into your neighbours yard. Swell has jacked up to the 8 foot range. Exposed beaches like Bondi had clean up bombs breaking across […]

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The early risers will score the best of it today. Fun little peaks down at Bondi as the sun broke through the morning clouds. I’d say it’s mainly 2 foot with 3 foot boomers. Crowds are mid range, but there was some fun out there…for now…before a howling 30 knot southerly rips this town to […]

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the now

At sunrise the waves weren’t very impressive. Bondi loves these small south swells, especially under 3 foot so they don’t close out, but it was very average early. However around 9am conditions improved and 2 distrinct peaks were puttin’ on some fun ones. You’d have to be quick though, as these offshore W/SW winds will […]

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Feral onshore slush out there this morning. You really should think about doing something other than surfing today – ‘cause it’s about as bad as it gets. Let’s check out some photos from our recent trip to the Mentawais (where the earthquake off Sumatra hit). Tomorrow the swell will come up, unfortunately flanked by an […]

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33 degrees today so I declare a public holiday. Hit the beach. It’s an amazing day out there. The waves are tiny. 1-2 foot max. Nice little left and a mediocre right in the southern corner – but it’s got the summer’s crowds buzzing all over it. Small again tomorrow but decent swell all long […]

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tsunami in Samoa

The swell has dropped a gear or so, but surface quality has improved thankfully. Bondi is breaking around 2-3 foot, and a shallow south end bank was starting to switch on – and so did a powerful rip that sucks you out to New Zealand. We’re expecting this dead south swell to drop right off […]

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wonkie tonk

Hola. There was a lot of talk about Bronte this morning – not sure why. About 40 guys scrappin’ for the odd fat burger when Bondi was uncrowded and much bigger (4-5ft). Ok, so there is pretty of wobble in this fresh serve of south swell, but at least there is swell. I am hoping […]

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Back in the motherland

Hope you enjoyed our little aquatic-excursion to Fiji last week. We’re back in reality now and that’s not such a bad thing as a new south swell hits our shores. Bondi is bankless and 3 feet. Straight hander after straight hander rolling in. I’d expect it to pick up dramatically as the day progresses. An […]

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To end our Fijian sojourn we’ve got another brilliant day…the water has been clear, but today was the clearest – immaculate. Underwater you can see everything, everywhere… We surfed a spot up the reef with no one around and peaky 3 footers (the odd 4 foot set). It was a swell magnet drawing any available […]

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That’ll be right…I leave town for 1 week and the world’s largest sand storm blows through Sydney. To reiterate, I am in Fiji (not Bondi) at the moment, which means I have no photos of the sand storms (I have 1.2 million emails requesting images). Sorry – can’t be everywhere. From the photos I’ve seen […]

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Bula. No waves here in Fiji today. Pretty much flat and a bit of wind (should be right for the kites later). To keep everyone away from the bar we’ve distracted them with underwater activities and a few photos sessions. Waves will be back tomorrow so it’s a good opportunity to let the sunburn settle […]

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Fijian Blues

Aquabumps is going to be broadcast from the little island of Namotu this week (that’s Fiji). It’s heaven over here. The colours of this place are insane. Clearest blue water in the world I’d say. Sometimes I’d be shooting something (like the boat shot) and even I can’t believe the fluoro hues that are flash […]

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If you had bad timing you could think it was pretty much flat down at Bondi this morning. If you were patient enough to wait 15-20 minutes a wave would appear in the 2 foot range. The swell is still very east, so Bondi won’t be attracting the best of it…go to Maroubra, Whaley, Manly…stuff […]

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Wow. What a day. Doesn’t get much better. I know I’ve been saying that a lot lately. Firstly it’s going to hit 32 degrees today. Secondly there are waves from the east around 3 foot. Thirdly its clean due to the NE offshores (at Bondi). Go surf. Is good. Even better the further you get […]

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Even though the swell has pushed up into the 3 foot range, a wintery onshore breeze was messin’ with it. Didn’t really see a decent wave roll through the whole time I was down there (approximately 45 minutes). I guess that sums it up really. The wind should swing NE which will clean things up…but […]

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Not much doing down the beach this morning. No sunrise as clouds dominated the horizon and the weak 1-2 footers weren’t really my cup of tea. The charts are calling a dramatic improvement as the day progresses. East swell, 11 secs later today – that should be good. So by the time you read this […]

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the wund

Mad southerly change ripped along the coast around 7:30am this morning, ruining the still, calm cookin’ morning. Felt like it was going to hit 33 degrees today (again) as you broke into a sweat before 7am – well now you’re probably under-dressed for work as the temps dropped back to winter averages. It hit 33 […]

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Tunnel vision

Busy day in surf land. Incoming tide pushing a few bombs into our beaches. Ideal conditions with light grooming offshores. Most beaches would have something to surf today. Swell origin has gone SE so Bondi was starting to work again. Hope you got a few. Loads of people late for work today. Jeremy Wilmotte, Maroubra […]

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A lil’ spike in swell is providing plenty of waves for all this morning. Tad more south in it, SSE at 9.6 secs. Quite a few breaks working around the 3-4 foot mark and this morning’s low tide (5.11am at 0.44m) is puttin’ some hollow in them walls. Board snappin’ material. The weather man is […]

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Low tide shanks

If you get in your car and head north or south you’re bound to score something worth braggin’ to the fellas ‘bout. Why? Well we have a small east swell running, and its getting’ bigger as the day plays out. What else huh? Westerly winds all day long – perfect offshores making those low tide […]

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There’s waves today, but only at selected breaks. Swell origin is dead east, so a beach facing that direction will be making the most of it. Bondi was neglecting the swell source and 1 foot. Tama and Bronte didn’t have anyone out. Bra had a decent wave. Manly would have one also. So it’s a […]

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Mornin’ chinas. At 5:30am I got a wiff of pink starting to light up above Ben Buckler so I rolled down the hill, tripods and multiple cameras in tow. By about 5:40am the skies lit up into full blown technicolour. Quite spectacular. Amazing start to the day. Now before you send me an email saying, […]

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La Femme

Today we have some special guests down at Bondi – the future of women’s surfing – the stars of the ROXY surf team, Sally Fitzgibbons (Gerroa) and Laura Enever (Narrabeen). Between these two young girls they’re cleaning up the female competitive surfing arena. 18 year old Sally, ranked 6 in the world, is lighting fast […]

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This surprise south swell is still alive and kicking. Must be pushing up from Victoria as its been pumping down there and coming in from the dead south. Bondi was 3 foot and mostly closing out. These banks just can’t handle it. A 7:30am high tide (when I shot) wasn’t doing it any favours. The […]

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Phantom Caves

Last night before bed I checked the swell charts. I saw a 15 second period forecasted overnight that reverts to 10 seconds in the morning. To be honest, I thought it was a typo or the work experience kids had been let loose in the Buoy weather office yesterday – so I ignored it. If […]

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Copy > paste

Yet another sensational sunny, warm morning welcoming the new season. The dead south swell has hung in there and Bondi is flaunting fun little peaks (2 footers). Most other beaches wouldn’t be showing much, maybe Curly would be the best bet over the Northern Biatches. I suspect these conditions will maintain for another 24hrs before […]

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