Hi there. Wow. Special morning. If you slept in you’d be kicking yourself as not only was it bakin’ hot and clear skies… that expected swell spike arrived and produced fun (not perfect) waves in the 2-3 foot vicinity. Ok, so it’s quite weak and fat due to a 7 sec wave period, but throw […]

There’s not a lot doing down the beach this morning. Overcast skies dominated, the usual suspects scrapped over a 2 foot left towards the middle and the ‘dozer is out pushing sand up against the concrete wall to conceal any exposed concrete reo. Swell is from the ENE so I reckon the Bra might have […]

the wolf
For a small east swell there sure were plenty of waves on offer this morning. Bondi was only 2 foot, but decent. A left in the middle provided some fun ones all the way to the beach and a southern corner right had the odd section. With warm weather, no wind and plenty of sunshine […]

Onshore darkness
The onshores have turned on, making a mess of Bondi this morning. The odd 2 footer was on offer down there with very few out. Pretty wet and grey day. Some say this is Bondi at its best and the only time you’ll get a wave without 5 others on it. Caleb Reid, probably one […]

If the sweltering heat of last night didn’t keep you awake last night, the search party choppers sure did. 2 guys went for a swim last night, 1 split off and decided to swim ashore – then went home to return to the couch (without telling his buddy)…meanwhile, the lone swimmer called a full scale […]

The maximum temperature forecasted for today is 30 degrees…but it felt that hot at 6:30am this morning so maybe the Bureau boys have some broken dials. It is hot. Damn hot. You’ll break into a sweat just walking down the hill this morning…so a swim/longboard is the essential cool off. New swell direction today, NE. […]

Thursdee peaks
Cookin’ with gas out there today…even though quite a few crew said it’s not that great as they came out of the water (I’m still landlocked until stitches heal from my recent reef lobotomy – oh diddums I hear you say). This is the last day of this week’s strong south swell before switching to […]

Best be outside today – the southerlies have stopped. The weather is 25, mild, warm and just nice. The waves are 3-4 foot, dead south swell and a hell of a lot cleaner than yesterday with northerlie grooming breezes. To top it off the crowds are minimal out at Bondi and there are peaks all […]

That violent southerly change last night was something special. Spectacular. A sausage cloud rolled over from Tama bringing rain, lightning and a serious gale. Unfortunately it’s ruined the clean surfaces of yesterday and halved the swell to the 4-5 foot range. Bondi still wasn’t much fun and not handling the larger conditions – pass. Tomorrow […]

slabby ledge wedges
WOW. Sorry about the late update – I have a good excuse this time… A dead south ground swell has come up strong overnight, and is in full swing. Between 10am and 1pm it was pounding our coast hard. Bondi is completely useless with this size, as was most of the surrounding beaches…so a little […]

The Southerly Switch
Sydney’s cooling south changes are spectacular. You know when it’s a steamy hot day there is a fair chance of a radical blow later in the afternoon. Within minutes the beach transforms from a postcard like dreamy afternoon, to howling onshores, rain and a deserted beach – like last night around 6pm. This new south […]

The good weather keeps on bangin’ on. Top of 28 today, but the clouds will roll in with a late southerly change bringing in a possible thunderstorm. Perfect day for a dip (with the camera)…1 footers on offer, and for some strange reason I saw a shoulder high smoker crank to the beach, but it […]

Not much doin’ down the beach this morning. Drove around to a few beaches and then returned back to Bondi to find the only rideable wave was 1 foot, with infrequent 1.3 foot sets. Looks pretty flat for a while as the new season kicks in. At 6:30am it was jaw dropping to watch the […]

Cracker morning down the beach…sat down there for nearly and hour, barely saw a wave come through above your knee caps and then Justin paddles out and BAM! pulls out some aerobatics. So I guess is must be surfable, but you’d have to be extremely patient. Perhaps 1 decent 2 footer every hour. Perfect day […]

Quiet time
Today is shaping up to be a nice day… early morning cloud dominated the scene around 7am – but all good now. The winds are light making for some clean conditions down at Bondi. At 10am the sunshine is out bakin’ (max 24). Bondi has gone all quiet as the masses make their way into […]

Bondi Collage
Bondi cracks me up. There is ALWAYS something going on down there in the morning. Well today started like most others of this week – 2-3 foot onshore slop, overcast skies, Jono + Wal + Kirby + Andrej were out ripping (the usuals)…vmmmmpt…hang on, a giant transformer figure (25 foot high) is plonked on the […]

Even though it’s onshore – there is a decent little wave out there this morning. A fickle shallow bank was throwing out the odd tube section…but you had to pick the right double up. I’d say it’s 3 foot, E/SE onshore, High tide: 10:30am, low tide 5:10pm Sun popped out for about 10 minutes before […]

The overnight south change has put out the fire of yesterday’s soaring temperatures (thankfully). How about that heat yesterday. Madness. Cooking. Like standing in an oven. There would have been a whole lotta sweaty, thirsty, frocked up Melbourne cup punters with massive-dehydrated hangovers today. Drink water. Plenty. With the cooling south change came wind and […]

Alcopop – yep that’s my pick for the big race today. I don’t have much of a clue though so don’t invest the grocery money. Good luck punters. Incredible morning, warm and humid as we head to a top of 37 degrees today. That’s no typo – 37 degrees today. Take the day off, enjoy […]

Summer chaos
Not much to write about this morning. There was no light, no sunrise and no waves – bit like my mate Sam – personality-less. (only kiddin’ pal) Yesterday was an incredible beach day though. Half of Sydney was down there – oh boy – spinning rims, big mufflers, bangin’ stereos, big sunnies and baby oil […]