Colour Select
Big storm rolling through at the moment. Ocean is all frothed up with howling onshores, rain and a big ENE swell. It’s going to get really big tonight/ tomorrow – say 8 foot +, but it’s not going to be clean. 20-30 knots of blow today and tomorrow – so best wait until it dies […]

The Promise
We have a new east swell to play with. It arrived on Saturday, got bigger yesterday afternoon and will be with us all week. Dang. Best days will be around Wednesday or Thursday when it peaks around 5-6 foot at exposed beaches. After the last couple of swell drought it’s a nice surprise to have […]

Bondi Ants
That change rolled through last night leaving a micro, ruffled south swell. Bondi had a wave, well sort of…wind chop on steroids more like it 1-2 foot and barely anyone out. Overcast morning as we enter a wintery day – max 22 degrees. Winds: S/SE 13/18 kts Tides: 9:30am high tide, low tide 3:40pm. I’d […]

Lake Bondi
There still isn’t a great deal going on with the surf. Bondi was really calm and flat this morning with a beautiful sunrise (again). A fat 31 degrees forecasted so it’s another great opportunity to hit the beach and go for a swim – even though the water has dropped to a frosty 18 degrees. […]

Bondi Colour
The changing seasons always present spectacular sunrises. This morning at 6am a spotted thin cloud strewn across the bay – about to light up. And light up it did. For about 15 minutes the morning walkers were blessed with strong hues of pinks and purples. Then by 7am the technicolour visions dull to a flat […]

10 Years of Aquabumps
At this time of year the sun rises perfectly behind the waves at Maroubra. (nice and late as well before the Daylight saving switch). Some people say don’t shoot photos directly into the sun – but I think that’s the best angle. Especially with the big lens where you can fill the frame will burnt […]

This morning I didn’t see any waves that were worth surfing. Bondi had a weak 1 foot shore break with groms crawling all over it – fine if you’re 30 kay-gees. Looks like the swell has gone more NE and could possibly get stronger tomorrow. Beaches facing the source will have something dribbling in later […]

Tony Hawk @ Bondi
When I was a kid I was big into skating. Broke plenty of bones in my left leg. Back then Tony Hawk was a big name in skating. 20 years on…he’s still a big name in skating. He’s the Kelly Slater of the grind world. Well Hawk just rocked up to the Bondi bowl unannounced […]

Morning Silk
Waves? What waves? Micro conditions today – it’s more of a lay-on-the-beach type day. Winter is looming…make the most of these joy 27 degree sunny days. There is a possibility that a shower and thunderstorm later – but should be right for the after work swim + beer + roll on the grass. Tomorrow is […]

high pressure
As a big fat high pressure system hovers above NSW, we are blessed with another stunning summers day. Very little wind about and the mercury will hit a steamy 27 degrees. Along with these still conditions come small waves – really small waves. Bondi was struggling to pump out a 1-2 footer this morning – […]

Back to summer
Sorry about the lack of updates this week. Went down to Melbourne to remind me what mid-winter is like. Nice 14 degrees and rainy down there (3 days straight). ANYWAY, back in paradise its a perfectly sunny 25 degrees, barely any wind and a small 2 footer, with the odd 3 footer in the corner […]

Crack Up
Bondi cracks me up in the mornings. So much going on down there in the wee-early hours. All started with a beautiful colourful sunrise, which I missed as I slept in (rare) and caught just the tail end of it. Then there’s a small fat wave, 3 foot, in the southern corner that is slappin’ […]

Two Fists
A brand new East ground swell has arrived at our shores and Bondi is breaking around 3-4 foot. The full moon is pushing big tides though, and Bondi was incredibly fat or closing out this morning. 10am Porky High tide, 4:15pm low tide. Best wait until the tide drops and the clouds part – should […]

With 10-15 knots of early easterly winds it’s pretty junkie out there. At least there are waves in the 2-3 foot range…nothing special. Maybe wait for tomorrows swell spike. Parko is Back! Joel Parkinson (AUS) has just won the Quiksilver Pro up at Superbank in style scoring a perfect 10 with a massive tube. Could […]

There was a 3 foot set out the back of South Bondi earlier this morning. The massive 1.85m high tide(8:30am) put plenty of fat into this SE swell. You’d need to wait until the tide drops (low 3pm). Winds are a unfavourable EAST (10-15 knots) – which pretty much gets into everywhere. All in all, […]

Chopper Squad
No one out surfing this morning…that says it all. Wasn’t looking that great at sunrise with rain, last night’s onshore and only 2 footers fizzing out. With all the waves we’ve had recently you’d have to be a highly motivated individual to paddle out (or unemployed). Maybe let it settle… ChopperSquad So we got airborne […]

Morning Sickness
The talked up swell arrived and Bondi is working at 4-5 foot range. Nice. It has morning sickness though, choppy, bumpy and swells not lining up. At sunrise Bondi didn’t look that special so we took a spin down to the newest National Surfing reserve better known at The ‘Nulla. Thinking it would be lining […]

The Still Chill
The threat of winter has taken the summer’s edge of this morning. You can feel it…it’s coming…nearly had to wear a jumper…look on the bright side – with winter comes decent south swells and low crowds. Also Indo surfing season kicks back into gear…ohhh yeah, now ya talkin’. The talk of the town is this […]

There are not many days in the year where Bondi beach is unsurfable. Well today is one of those days. It was barely breaking this morning…and yep…there were still people out there optimistically bobbing up and down in case of a freak 1 foot set. Fughedaboutit and crank out some work. Thick clouds coat the […]

The mornings are the best part of the day – no doubt’n that. No phones, no emails, no hassles – well sometimes a drunken fool left over from Bondi hotel will ask for a light – but that’s about it (oh and there’s always Wal). I’ve seen the same people for the past 10 years […]

After the weekend’s decent supply of south swell, its finally ran out of puff. Bondi was 1-2 foot this morning, clean, but exceptionally weak. Very low crowd numbers in the water early – gotta love Mondays. Just unbelievable about the 3rd shark attack on 15 year old Andrew Lindop up at Avalon yesterday. He’s now […]