The swell has bumped up a tad from yesterday. It’s still not really a surfable size, but hopefully later on today it will get bigger (well that’s what the charts indicate). Dead still this morning around 7am, occasional shower…not much on the swell radar for the week – other than later today. Winds will pick up 15-20 knots during the day (W/SW). I barely got any decent shots worth showing today – so here is some angry winter swells to warm you up.
Techo problemos
Houston we’ve been having some technical problems in getting this daily escape to you. Yep we know. Download speeds with the new huge images have been a problem…well with 28,000 readers pounding our server all at once it’s no wonder. I thank you for your patience – we are on to fixing the problem. Today you it should download fine, and look great, and if not, let us know honks. (e.g. how long it took to download).
KESHO LEO – Tomorrow today
This Sunday at the Annandale hotel is a benefit gig celebrating the life of Darren Stratti and his volunteer work in Tanzania. Tix are $40, Doors @ 3pm. Featuring Damien Leith & Paul Gray, Things of Stone & Wood, Gethsemane Jay & Daniel Stratti