Thursday, 28 February 2008
Don’t really know what to write today. Surf is as bad as it gets – onshore, small (1-2), overcast…no one out. You’d have to be very unemployed/bored to go surfing today. There is hope – as the swell is going to double/triple by night fall. But I am sure the predicted 30 knots of southerly […]

Wednesday, 27 February 2008
After tools down yesterday, a swim seemed like a good idea seeing it was 28 degrees, sunny and hell – it was packed. Around 5:30pm a sinister thick black cloud seeped over south Bondi peninsular. Within 10 minutes the joint was under seize from howling winds, hail, rain and cooler temperatures. One of the bigger […]

Tuesday, 26 February 2008
fools goldAt day break you would have rocked over the hill and saw lines stacked into the bay. Dang. 4 foot solid. But after spending 10 mins watching the sets you would’ve realised its fools gold today at Bondeye. Damn straight. South swell. Unrideable straight-handers. I barely saw a wave that didn’t closeout. So what […]

Friday, February 22, 2008
The swell is here and waves are up around the 5-6 foot mark. I have to say though, it’s pretty wonky and requires grooming from the early westerly offshore. Didn’t really see many good waves that didn’t close out or pork up along the beaches in the east (7am to 9am). Combined with an approaching […]

Thursday, 21 February 2008
pacific gold The anticipated swell that every one’s torkin’ about is starting to trickle in. Wasn’t there when I shot between 7am and 8am at Bondi – nope…but the early morning high tide was hindering its grunt. A patient man will score today, as the ENE swell increases in period/size later and should be fun […]

Wednesday, 20 February 2008
FattiesThat fat high tide (8:30am @ 1.8m) was concealing most of the good small swell we’ve currently got. Once again, surprisingly, waves are 2 foot – tipping close to 3 foot at the moment, and as the tide backs out it should only improve. Bondi was very fat and slow…Low tide 3:18pm. I expected it […]

Tuesday, 19 February 2008
It seems when you get famous…you just walk around the beach all day with a couple of hotties on your arm – you just do. Just bumped into ex World Surfing Champion and King of the come-backs OCCY @ south Bondi 5 minutes ago. He’s quit the tour and opted for a life in TV […]

Monday, 18 February 2008
Not much happening down the beach this morning. A small SE swell producing 1-2 foot waves. You’re probably wondering why the first shot is power grom perth Standlick belting out for the high heavens then…let’s just say there’s a big difference between the little guys surfing and ours. Oh and he’s surfs all day – […]

Thursday, 14 February 2008
Happy Valentine’s day girls. This is the last website update from Margaret River, the Wine Region…swell is fading fast… yesterday still had some 2-3 footers at mega exposed breaks. All day offshores and super clean surf in the afternoon…no one out mid week here…no one…kinda freaky, especially shooting in the water a few beaches up […]

Wednesday, 13 February 2008
furnaceDamn its hot over here in the SW of WA…38 degrees to be precise. It’s a bit like standing in an oven. The run across the sand to these deserted beaches is torturous – even your thongs melt. At present we’re experiencing some very uncharacteristic conditions here in WA, the winds are all day offshore…no […]

Tuesday, 12 February 2008
G’day from W.A. Good old WA. One of the most isolated and windiest places in the world. Home to so many hot breaks down south..this clear water haven is suffering the same fate as Sydney – lack of swell. Its tiny and howling offshore today (like 30 knots). No lack of mooola over here though…V8 […]

Thursday, 7 February 2008
After peering out the window at 6am I knew something was cooking (by then the phone had already rung 4 times with frothin’ man grommets jibbering about how good it was)…no wind…rain had stopped overnight giving way to glorious sunshine – did the east swell hang in there? Bondi looked pretty darn sweet at 6:30am. […]

Wednesday, 6 February 2008
It’s all going on this morning. Sunshine reared its head, waves around 4 foot at the Bra, nice offshore, max 28… best day of the week so far. Even had choppers, jetskies, police boats and beach buggies searching for a missing Maroubra swimmer – a 28 year old man swimming with 3 ladies last night […]

Tuesday, 5 February 2008
showersIn between the showers I saw a little peaky chest to head high wave down at South Bondi. Its relatively clean and uncrowded, but probably a little toxic right in the corner next door to the rain water runoff pipe. Swell is from the ENE – so places like the Bra would be a foot […]

Monday, 4 February 2008
wet There’s been quite a bit of tork about an anticipated new swell coming…well it hasn’t arrived yet (12:30pm). This morning it was full, 2 foot, wet and grey. 3 guys out at 7am (think that sums it up – couldn’t even get a shot). Some charts show a swell increase tonight (4-5 foot). I’ll […]

Friday, 1 February 2008
bang…That predicted south change hit last night and it hasn’t stop blowing or raining since (good for the garden). Surfing is just not a great option today as its horrendously onshore and not even that big. Bondi 3 foot max, 20 knots of onshore and no one out. Boo. Swell is coming up this weekend […]