Wednesday, 24 October 2007
early glass Surprised to see a few decent waves this morning… At 5am it was dead still and glassy 3 foot as I peeped in between two buildings from North Bondi. But by the time I got down there (6:30am) it was onshore and starting to degrade rapidly. The early morning 6am high tide created […]

Tuesday, 23 October 2007
batteredBit of a non-event down at Bondi surfwise. Wind battered 2 foot dribbles poked up every now and then in the southern corner, it seemed everyone else was running, boxing, swimming or walking the dog. A geeky German backpacker came into the gallery briefly yesterday and said "yoo aussseees are exerciiiiiize fanatics, and you like […]

Monday, 22 October 2007
summer It’s another glorious sunny day as it cooks to 30 degrees. Aaaaah yes, you know its summer in Bondi when 2 booze hags are passed out cold on the sand after a random snog at the Bondi hotel…or maybe the fact that the bus queues on Campbell parade resemble a small police riot…or maybe […]

Friday, 19 October 2007
cubiclesSo you’re thinking about going for a surf. Good move. Its small, like 2-3 foot and only going to get better as the tide kicks in. One small problem. You’re stuck in a little office cubicle getting creepy on face*book (wal) and you just can’t bust out this early. Well, to rub it in, it’s […]

Thursday, 18 October 2007
the planOk so our little plan nearly came together today. Yesterday’s turbulent southerlies have subsided, sunshine has returned, and yes, the swell has come up around the 4-5 foot solid mark. Yet the ocean remains agitated producing wonky, random chunks that mainly close out. Patience may pay today, as a little more water closer to […]

Wednesday, 17 October 2007
southerlyThe radical overnight southerly change dropped the daily temperature from a  sweltering 31 degrees to a 16 degrees. This new southerly weather pattern brings swell and severe onshore winds. Even though Bondi resembles a junkyard onshore mashup right now, it’s a good thing, as we’ve got swell for the next few days and the winds […]

Monday, 15 October 2007
on.Some days Sydney just switches it on. Perfect weather today at an optimal 28. A small southerly swell continues to push chest high waves into the corner at South Bondi. Nice little bank setup breaking quite hollow on the low. Ah yes, summer is here and so are the crowds. Massive numbers in the water […]

Friday, 12 October 2007
Nuttin’ to see here. Move along people. Move-a-long. Its onshore ankle biters. I copied this straight out of press release from the ASP. Things are hottin’ up on the world surfing tour – could be a aussie world champion this year:"BAKIO, Spain (Thursday, Oct. 11, 2007) – Foster’s ASP World Tour ratings leader Mick Fanning […]

Thursday, 11 October 2007
swimForget surfing and go for a swim. Its flat as and 26 degrees. Salubrious. Waves return this weekend though… enter the forbidden cityOn 8th August 2008, five hundred athletes in the Australian Olympic Team will march into the Olympic Stadium in Beijing ready to take on the world. But while they’re all training, a large […]

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
ChopsueyLittle bit of wind chop on steriods about the place this morning. Some of it rideable, some of it just wobbly bumps in the ocean that don’t end up breaking. Waves were mainly in the 1-2 foot range – but a short wave period means no push – so best ride something with a bit […]

Tuesday, 9 October 2007
21 cells You haven’t surf Bondi unless you’ve been scorched blatantly all the way to the shore. In an attempt to rule out this unethical behaviour we now have 21 sinbins on the beach. Yeah that’s right, so next time you decide to drop in on the pack you’ll be reprimanded by a 30 min […]

Monday, 8 October 2007
miniThis week kicks off with 0-0.5 foot of not much at all. At 5:20am it was overcast and unsurfable. No one out – says it all. At 7:30am I saw 4 guys scavenging over 1 footers. Best be good little tiiigers and do some work as this week looks very very flat. Can’t see anything happening […]

Friday, 5th October
de*brito (guest writer) I’ve got a cheeky neighbour who walks around in his pyjamas all day pretending to do work. After a few weeks, I asked him what does he do for a living seeing he has so much spare time…he said a writer, just so happens he’s supposedly a famous author and columnist for […]

Thursday, 4 October 2007
cool After a brief interlude with a radical south change last night we’ve return back to manageable temperatures in the 23 degree range. Last night’s action also brought some new bumpy swells that are heading straight into south facing Bondi. The big sets got up around 4 foot max., majority 3 foot, but it was […]

Wednesday, 3 October 2007
34 Unbelievable… A 34 degree day this early on into spring. So good. We’ve had the best run of weather lately and the beach was packed by 6am. Over 100 guys out in the water enjoying the 3 footers from the south. Pity the banks were closing out straight. Today you’ve gotta get out of […]

Friday, September 28, 2007
laze …and so there’s obviously no surf to be had today. Well not that I could find (its coming from the NE). The weather is supremo at thirty-degrees, perfectly sunny and worthy of an early evacuation from work. Enjoy now as a south change will hit later dropping the temperature maximum by 10 degrees to […]

Thursday, 27 September 2007
nope nothing here … The surfs gone pretty much flat today, so most of Sydney would barely have a wave over knee height. After a brief interlude of showers overnight the sunshine backed out producing favorable swimming conditions at 23 fat ones. Inspecting the buoy charts this morning brings bad news – we pretty much […]

Wednesday, 26 September 2007
COSMO/VENUS swimsuit shoot world record Bondi is pretty well known for its girls. Lots of them. Peak summer, you’ll find a few dozen parading around in the north end, big sunnies and all. They’re usually flanked by a mass of creepy guys wearing even bigger sunnies, lacquered in baby oil (e.g. Karl) Well today Bondi […]

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
excess baggage It was complete chaos down at Bondi this morning as we fang down the highway into Summerville. At 6am the beach was packed with sweaty frothas shedding winter excess baggage… just in time to squeeze into that summer cozzie. The surf was also manic at 7am. I saw about 45 guys on one […]

Monday, September 24, 2007
earlybirdWhat a Aquabumps report out before 9am? Get back on your chair. No more south pacific junkets amidst mini island paradises. Nope. Gotta say Bondi turned on a little piece of its own paradise this morning. Glorious sunrise at 5:30am, clear skies (no haze), no wind and a small south swell producing 2-3 footers (some […]

Friday, 21 September 2007
PacifcoBulla. Last report from this 4 hectares of paradise. Another perfect day up here with best waves of the week. Hell you know it’s good when all the island staff (including the owner) are out surfing. Namotu has a good selection of waves that will suit everybody from fast pipey rights to cruisy Mal-lefts. The […]

Thursday, 20 September 2007
black skiesStorms have hit the little island paradise of Namotu (Fiji) thankfully bringing swell. Big patchy dark spots in the sky creating unusual lighting conditions for shooting. We surfed a wave magnet reef that was super shifty and 3-4 foot. Loads of fun to be had. Nothing better than surfing in boardies again. From my […]

Wednesday, 19 September 2007
LazyStill remarkably flat here in Fiji but the good weather continues to power on – just like Sydney. So I guess we both have to find something else to do. Paddle boarding seems popular on the 1 footers. Tick. Walk around the island. Tick. Dunnit (hey only takes 7 minutes). Swim time. The water is […]

Tuesday, 18 September 2007
island locoA tiny swell still tortures Fiji at the moment, but the water holds its superior clearness. Max 2-3 foot here today – nothing mega. I’ve been told to "diversify my interests" by the fishing guide. Still plenty to do in this aquatic playground… Yesterday, a hand full of pro kite-boarders on the island hit […]

Monday, Sept 17, 2007
Na-mo-tuBulla. Today’s Aquabumps comes from one of the most stunning islands in the world – Namotu in Fiji oohhh yeah. This tiny 4 hectares of paradise lies next door to one of the world’s best waves – the almighty Cloud Break, arena for the one of the ASP world tour stops in 2006. Namotu takes […]

Friday, September 14, 2007
snoozerSlept in slightly (well to 6:50am) and missed the sunrise. Of course it just happened to be one of the best this year (so I’ve been told by numerous people – thanks for rubbing it in). By the time I got down there it was smeared with grey clouds and starting to spit. Well it […]

Thursday, September 13, 2007
morning gloryJust like yesterday we’ve got close to flat conditions this morning. I know you’re looking at the pics in this report thinking the contrary…but you’re seeing the best 4 waves of my 1.08hr shoot this morning (max 2 foot). Magic morning with perfect sunshine, warm, no wind, and 10,000 people out exercising…working of that […]

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
u crack me up.You guys crack me up. Really. I mean… I travel all over the globe hiding in little tubes, spending hours waiting on cliffs for good light, getting’ pummeled regularly, lugging 50 kilos of camera gear along the way…all in search of that epic wave shot…and yesterday I upload images of 40 girls […]

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
raft-up Everyday is different down at Bondi. Take this morning for example. Going for my morning swim across the bay, and what should I run into? Dead fish? A loose board? A raft full of hungry women? Yeah that’s right. A raft full of women powering to the beach to ravage a pack of eagerly […]

Monday, September 10, 2007
APEC me offAhhhh yes, back to normal Bondeye. No more black hawk choppers… no SWAT teams patrolling the beach… gone are the bus loads of cops… no more 1st ladies of APEC gettin’ tipsy on Poshberg’s Lychee Martinis. It’s all over folks…that 5 kilometres of APEC security fence is coming down today. Can’t blame APEC […]

Thursday, September 06, 2007
blow The unrelenting onshore easterlies continue for another day. Yawn. Pass the crumpets. 20 knots of hack job really. A few lone wolves out this morning optimistically searching for a rideable peak. Odd 3 footer in the south end of Bondi (kinda) wedged up – Perth found a few little ramps. Otherwise an infrequent wave […]

Wednesday, September 05, 2007
MobyEvery day is different down the beach – especially at Bondi. Sometimes it’s an onshore slobbering mess (like today – forget about it). Sometimes it’s smoking. Sometimes there are 30 police scouring for evidence after a missing person. Sometimes there are 15 backpackers still peaking from the night before thinking they’re at Ibiza. Oh yeah, […]

Tuesday, September 04, 2007
submerge As forecasted the south change kicked in last night bringing rain, swell and a menacing howling onshores. Is ridiculously messy out there and not worth surfing at all. In fact this whole week looks very onshore and wet – that sneak preview into summer weather is all over for the time being, so back […]

Monday, September 03, 2007
brink. A trickling pulse continues to push 2 foot rideable waves into the southern corner this morning down at Bondi. You could just smell change in the air as an early morning offshore (w) was starting to kick onshore (s/se) by the time I put my cameras away. That onshore will increase to 20 knots […]

Friday, August 31, 2007
usual suspectsThere’s a group of guys that surf Bondi every morning, religiously. I take my hat off to them. Whether is pouring with rain, horrendously onshore, or sub artic conditions – they’re there wettie’n up. Well, you know when it’s mega flat – ’cause the usual subjects are having a day off. It’s that flat […]

Thursday, August 30, 2007
clearWhat started out to be a very overcast morning has cleared up to perfection. Surprisingly a small weak 2-3 foot wave was in the southern end of Bondi at sunrise. At lunchtime it had dissipated in half a foot dribbles. But the sun is flooding in and it’s a superb beach day as we cook […]

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
spent.In stark contrast to yesterday’s day of pumping 4 foot NE swells, we’re left with onshore junk at 1-2 foot this morning. It’s all over. Barely surfable with an early wind. Still warm weather (24) as that massive high hovers above us. How good was yesterday. 27 degrees! It’s only been that hot this time […]

Tuesday, August 28, 2007
blood moonDayz like theze just make you just make you want to throw in the day job and spend the whole day down the beach. It’s perfectly sunny. Warm too. Fat 27 degrees. Oh and there’s waves. No lie. A consistent east swell is tickling our coastline with 3 footers. To top if off, there’s […]

Monday, August 27, 2007
twenty-fiver Yesterday’s decent east swell has dissipated over night leaving 1-2ish footers down at Bondi this morning. A more east exposed beach may have an extra foot slapped on that, but is small and clean – seriously lacking power – suggest Mal riders or beginners only. The good news is that we’re spoilt with a […]

Friday, August 24, 2007
cleanMuch cleaner waves today, but still lacking punch as the south end dribbles at 3 foot. Wave period is quite short, 6 seconds, meaning wind waves. It’s offshore though…I got a couple of snaps before the rain chased me out. sundeeWaves will improve on the weekend with an ENE swell coming. Saturday afternoon should get […]