Friday, 21 December 2007
The waves are small and weak this morning (1-2ft ENE). Not really worth surfing. Will get better tomorrow. But the sun is shining and most of you are probably nursing a massive hangover anyway. Grab a towel and soak up the 28 degrees. 2007Hard to believe that another year passes by… This is the last […]

Thursday, 20 December 2007
*endangered shark stuckSadly a 2.8 metre Grey Nurse Shark (critically endangered species and not known to be dangerous) got stuck in the protective nets off Bondi and didn’t survive. The net boys hauled the big mutha into the boat around 8:10am this morning after the fish was stuck for around 24 hrs. *smallerSwell backed right […]

Wednesday, 19 December 2007
Some good waves in our paddocks this morning. It’s clean as the southerlies have subsided overnight, but it’s still got some morning sickness…and a bit wobbly. Bondi had waves around 4 feet but it was closing out. Definitely have a hunt around and you’ll find something breaking a lot better. In fact it’s improving as […]

Tuesday, 18 December 2007
*blowStrong southerlies are still in force this morning whipping up the swell but creating very random, bumpy conditions down at Bondi at 7am. It’s sizable, approximately over head high on sets, but I would say when this wind dies it will improve ten-fold. Tomorrow it should swing NE, and the swell will only drop a […]

Monday, 17 December 2007
*sharky onshore The southerly shattered the good waves of the weekend. Some smoookin’ waves Friday/Saturday and early Sunday. These pics from yesterday’s session out of town – surfer: the lightning fast aerial king Kirk Flintoff. Currently we have a heavy onshore/1-2 foot combo. Ain’t pretty. I guess the fact that only 1 guy was out […]

Friday, 14 December 2007
*early xmas If you’re not stuck at a Christmas-lunch-booze-athon…might be a good idea to go for a little surf. It’s good. And it’s about time. 10 second period, 4-5 foot, sunny, currently light NE winds – yes kids Christmas has come early. And it’s going to be good all weekend but the peak of the […]

Thursday, 13 December 2007
~sleep inSlept in today and worked out quite well. Heard at sunrise the waves were dribbly onshore 2ft. Well by the time I got to it at 9am Bondi was starting to shape up – 4 foot, onshore and a little junky but still more than rideable (4 guys out!). The approaching 11:15am high tide […]

Wednesday, 12 December 2007
*Mush.I’m running out of words to describe 2 foot onshore mush. The chewed up SE windswell ain’t too pretty down at Bondi this morning. Dozen or so hardcore punks scrappin’ for anything moving. Best wait until this wind swings (which is Sat). Friday morning looks like decent size but onshore. Also looks like a good […]

Tuesday, 11 December 2007
*winterflashbacksAs we settle in for a week of winter flashbacks, the persistent onshores continue to degrade the 3-foot waves we’ve currently got down at Bondi. Bondi actually ain’t too bad with a SSE winds/SE swell combo. It’s rideable all right. Can do turns. No crowds. But it ain’t that pretty and breaking quite random (not […]

Monday, 10 December 2007
*one hit wonder Well how about that – yesterday the phone was ringing off the hook at 8am so I knew something was cooking. And it was. The small spike expected yesterday turned into 4-5 foot of glassy joy. Bondi was as good as I’ve seen it in months. Waves everywhere. You probably wondering where […]

Friday, 7 December 2007
copy+pasteJust like yesterdays report it’s pretty small to flat again (but very foggy). I am hearing stories of decent waves around lunchtime yesterday – but they’ve gone now. Swell is from the ENE so beaches facing that way would see a rideable wave around 2 foot this morning. South facing Bondi was struggling 1 foot […]

Thursday, 6 December 2007
bumpThere is a little bump down there. Waist high on sets. Incredibly weak though. But if you’d been walking around in the desert for weeks and came across a cracker – that’s the best damn cracker you ever had. This wind swell disappears tomorrow, and there is hope of swell starting next week. But until […]

Wednesday, 5 December 2007
la femmeYes it’s all about the ladies today (ok and 1 shot of a very small child). Middle Bondi had 10 ladies throwing out the heat on 1-2 foot scrappy dribbly bits. Conditions were far from favourable, winds blew onshore and the swell is weak – as if it was generated just around the corner […]

Tuesday, 4 December 2007
Guess what? Its flat again that’s what…and yes there are still people out paddling for ripples. Super clean 0.567ft to 1 .1 foot. After that restless, humid night what a perfect morning for a swim. How about that flash storm yesterday? One minute blue skies…the next a blanket of thick sinister cloud bringing 16mms of […]

Monday, 3 December 2007
Flat Spell The claws of this flat spell are starting to run deep. For weeks now we haven’t had much break above our heads. Today’s no different – knee to a small guys waist (I’m talking as short as Beo). Swell origin is east. 9 knot winds from the NE. High tide 4:30pm, low tide […]