Friday, 30 November 2007

Pretty grim on the surf front. November is a good month to go overseas. Write that down for next year. We’ve barely had a wave for 4 weeks and a few of the man grommets are getting a bit twitchy (annoying). Hawaii is where you want to be today at Pipe turns on for the silly island season. So Bondi had a knee to waist high dribble, a quick tour around all the beaches confirmed my suspicions that it’s just a flat day. Nice one though, max 23, with E winds 10-15 knots, high tide 1:30pm, low 7:12am, water nice 20, forecast : weekend – do xmas shopping it’s that small, really, Monday you will see improvement with a new east swell. That’s about it.

Check out what’s happening with the Swiss Grande, finally Sydney’s ugliest hotel will get a jouooj up. Bondi Girl Board riders are having a party Sat Dec 1 called WAX ON – hit the Bondi pavilion from 8pm with $20. (or get tickets from Lets go surfing, Brave Cafe, Krack). Surfection Mosman is selling new fishes from $350 this weekend. Good xmas pressie idea for the fella. Not to mention the Aquabumps Gallery is open ALL weekend 10am to 4pm, 98 Brighton Boulevard NORTH BONDI. Easy place to do all the xmas power-shopping in 1hr (even for overseas crew). Miss Bondi heat 3 is on at the beach road hotel tomorrow – starts at 1pm and finishes at 5pm. PUGWALL – yes, that’s the mofo in this Drambuie VIDEO who used to star on a Channel 9 Boy band show – my my how things change and finally my mate Sam needs a date and he’s a ok bloke – throw the kid a cracker. (chix only thx). Next Wed I am planning to ONLY shoot female surfers at 6:30am @ Bondi on the middle peak…been gettin’ emails wondering where all the chix are…so I encourage all chick surfers to come down to star on wed’s fresh serve. Enough ramble – betta get to that boozey xmas lunch of yours::uge

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