Some days Sydney just switches it on. Perfect weather today at an optimal 28. A small southerly swell continues to push chest high waves into the corner at South Bondi. Nice little bank setup breaking quite hollow on the low. Ah yes, summer is here and so are the crowds. Massive numbers in the water and on the beach over the weekend. Think I saw a couple of hundred on the middle peak on Saturday morning. Pack your stack hat – damn loose boards everywhere. Can hear the Ambulance sirens from here.
this week.
This week is going to much better than last. It will go something like this: Today is warm and 2 foot – joy beach day, tomorrow similar but hotter as it cooks to 31 (wag work people) – but me thinks its going to be a tad smaller tomorrow so say 1 footish, then a south change rocks in bringing showers tomorrow night and the temps drop right back to max of 19 on Wed – but fortunately the swell kicks up into 5 foot range, then from Wed onwards there are good waves so enjoy, later, uge