Well… it’s about the best surf day of the week so far… and it really ain’t that great. One of the worst weeks for surfing we’ve had in such a long time. The junkie 3 footers were hindered by an onshore easterly breeze (10 knots). A few guys were out trying to reach their minimum weekly wave quota. You’d have to be very keen, or trying to burn off those winter muffin tops.
You’re probably wondering…if the surf is that bad today, why is lil’ Perth puntin’ for the high heavens in Pic 1, well, good question. I guess if you were 50 kilos and surfed 5 hours a day, everyday, you would be flying high right next to him. Um maybe not…that’s a big air kids. Lighter winds tomorrow, a chance it may clean up…
The Brad Valenti memorial surf comp is on this Saturday 25th August starting at 7am. If you’re keen to surf in the comp download an entry form from or from Krack Ssurf and Skate. Otherwise come down to watch the best of the local crew rip it up. Booze up at Wavellery bowls afterwards, 6:30pm Sat.