You’ll probably open this email and roll the eyes thinking that punk is on the run again, back to Indonesia. Yep, my plan to avoid the claws of a cold Sydney winter is coming to fruition. Hey it’s only for a few days, so relax and enjoy some equatorial sunshine in your day.
Like Oz, Indonesia is having a year of great waves. The Mentawais has flicked back to its consistent self, recovering from 2006, the year of insistent onshore duds. Bali is sharing the same fortune this year, with tales of epic sessions all over this little island gem.
Well, there probably were a few waves up at Ulu yesterday (3ft)…but if it wasn’t within 1 metre of my Dreamland deck chair I was incapable of photographing it. Must have been some baaaad chicken, or perhaps Ku De Ta’s 7th birthday celebrated in a rave style hedonistic smashup. Anyone seen my credit card? Enough said. Junpa lagi, uge