byron 153° 39´ east
Today’s Aquabumps is broadcast from beautiful Byron Bay, some 800 kilometres north of Sydney. Byron is Australia’s most easterly point – sticking way out there collecting all the swell from the Pacific. After 3 days of persistent onshore southerlies making a mess of things, today the sun is shining (and 21 degrees) and you’ll find a few small waves around at some of the exposed beaches like Tallows. Very few crew out…anywhere…and loads of marine life chugging past the cape including big motha whales.
Byron’s a is myriad of contrasts, in town you’ll find hand painted Combi’s bellowing smoke parked next to the latest Range Rover sports. You can eat 5-dollar herbal mung bean vego dinner or spend $500 for an entrée at Rae’s. One thing is consistent; everyone’s generally pretty stoked and has plenty of time for a chat. No ones really in a rush.
Back in Bondi it looks like you’ve had a few small 2 footers this morning. Nice conditions with offshore NW winds. I’d suggest surfing now as we look down the barrel of a 5 day flat spell. Weather looks great though…sunny most days this week. Enjoy::uge