Psycho stray-ray.
Funny you know. Most crew has work place hazards like slippery steps, bad elevators, or just an annoying colleague (e.g. Mannie). This morning when doing my daily shots in the soup, a mammoth ray chased me to the beach. Damn thing was the size of my bed. At first I thought it was just reef. Biggest I’ve ever seen – anywhere. Charging bull too with a bad attitude. Anyways. Had a chuckle to myself thinking if that’s my work place hazard apart from surfers thinking its funny to run me over – it ain’t so bad.
Waves. Well there was a mini wave in the corner. 1-2 foot. But the wait was long. Clean though. I would focus your efforts on the good times heading our way. Damn Friday looks interesting with huge interval south swell (14 sec) and northerlie winds. I’m calling 6 foot.
If you reckon you rip on a foamie then there’s a comp coming up for you. Saturday May 26th marks the search of the softest slider down at Bondi. You need to register and cough up a bit of moolla. Go to there will also foamie art exhibition at the beach road hotel Thursday 24 th May from 7:30pm.
Late. I know you all think I am mega-slack. I’m not. Daily reports are coming out late due to some techo problems on level 6. Propellers spinning wildly out of control up there but thanks for your patience. Fixing it.