Thursday, May 31, 2007
nup.No surf today. Pass the crumpets. Ok bit harsh. It’s 1 foot max. So if you are a newbie to the sport today’s smokin’ for ya. Oh and you’ve got the joint to yourself. I’m still salivating over the weekend’s outta town flawless crystal mini cylinders. I will get over it soon. I promise. But […]

Wednesday, May 30, 2007
how you like ya burgers? Ok. So there isn’t much happening at Bondi this morning. Not unless 1 foot knee cappers fry your burger. Swell direction switched today and is now coming from the NE. Head to a beach exposed to that direction and you’ll stumble across 2-3 footers (Bra, Av, Whale blah). It looks […]

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
endless summer.Not much to whinge about with glorious weather like this. Maybe we’re just skipping winter? Not a damn cloud in the sky as we cook up to a salubrious twenty-4 degrees today. Northerly winds today typical of a day with good weather. Would you believe there is still a 2 foot dribble in the […]

Monday, May 28, 2007
stealth.Not bad waves for a flat spell huh? The charts have been calling pancakes for the past 7 days… but I’ve surprisingly found stealth two footers for most of it. Today the south end of Bondi had the odd head high set if you waited 30 minutes. Great conditions with little wind and a full […]

Friday, May 25, 2007
dribblybits.The good weather continues as the swell subsides. Its flat most of the time…but every 15 minutes a 2 foot set rocks into the bay. Nw winds this morning with NE later today. You’re not missing out on much that’s for sure. Great day for a swim. Max land 21. Water 20. Forecast for the […]

Thursday, May 24, 2007
dolphin circus.I’ve been shooting Bondi for a good part of 8 years now. No medal please. But how unlucky is this… 15 minutes after I finished shooting yesterday a huge school of fish (large Salmon) rocked into the bay. I’ve seen aerial shots of the school – I am talking a pack 40 metres wide […]

Wednesday, May 23, 2007
oasis.Well what do you know… Stumbled across a little oasis in the middle of the desert. 3 foot sets this morning amongst a week of flatness. It was lining up nicely at 7am. Some too straight. Some ran down the shallow bank just right. Not many crew braving the frosty morning. That dash across the […]

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
brrrr.As winter ticks over another notch into the chill zone, the water remains remarkably warm at twenty-1. Good for an invigorating morning dip, but surfing is just out of the question. Pancake heaven. She’s flat as. And yes there were still two surfers scrapping for an ankle biter. The charts show a little bump hittin’ […]

Monday, 21 May 2007
busted buoys.Surely there is something wrong with those lil’ out-to-sea swell bouys. ‘Cause when I’m looking at them this morning it was giving me nuttin’ but 6 days of flat-to-micro. Ah-huh. ah, tomorrow afternoon a small south swell will poke its head out…(2-3 foot if we’re lucky)…but it will evapourate 12 hours later. Blink and […]

Friday, May 18, 2007
one hit wonderThat south ground swell rocked up yesterday afternoon as we’ve talked about – but it was a bit of a Vanilla Ice one hit wonder…here for less than 12 hours. There are still a few waves around this morning – somewhere in the vicinity of 3 foot, but its pretty crummy grey wet […]

Thursday, May 17, 2007
fog.Interesting day today… At first I thought it was Damo talking too close to my lens and it was foggin’ up (lotta hot air there). But really it was the blanket of thick fog covering the bay making North Bondi not visible from south. Initially it was very hard to see what the surf was […]

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Psycho stray-ray.Funny you know. Most crew has work place hazards like slippery steps, bad elevators, or just an annoying colleague (e.g. Mannie). This morning when doing my daily shots in the soup, a mammoth ray chased me to the beach. Damn thing was the size of my bed. At first I thought it was just […]

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
paradiseI gotta say, swimming out the back watching the sunrise in deluxe 21 degree water is damn good way to start the day… Swell has dropped some what, and Bondi had a lil’ 1-2 foot left tucked up in the southern corner worthy of a muck-around… a bit more swell on it should reveal the […]

Monday, May 14, 2007
Traffic.What a busy weekend in the water. Both Saturday and Sunday were filled with perfect 3-4 footers from the east. Wave hungry weekend warriors packed every city beach. Monday comes and it’s all calmed down again – but then so has the swell. I saw waves around 2-3 foot this morning. Fat. Porked up by […]

Friday, May 11, 2007
east.Got in the drink to shoot Bondi at a dismal 1 foot when I realized the swell is coming from the east and I’m at the wrong beach. South facing Bondi struggled as east facing beaches would be double the size. It will get bigger as the day progresses, and we’re in for a weekend […]

Thursday, May 10, 2007
blowzy.As winters digs its first claws in, we’ve got the standard howling southerlies rippin’ the joint apart – just don’t have the swell to match. So 2 foot, onshore and raining is today’s concoction. Surely you’ve got better things to do – it’s terrible. The great news is that these unsettled conditions are breeding a […]

Wednesday, May 09, 2007
bad.B-b-b-b-b-baaad to bone. Um pretty much flat, onshore and overcast. No oil painting down the beach this morning. Best place for those boards is strapped onto the roof! Swell arrives tomorrow after an arvo of 25 knot southerly today. It will be messy for a few days…hold out as there will be waves when the […]

Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Not a great deal too write about today in regards to surf. The knee high dribbles ain’t rockin’ my boat. Not like the superb morning golden light we’re scoring at the moment. Today is the last day of this perfect weather marathon. Showers coming for Wed/Thurs/Friday. The great news is that the weekend looks the […]

Monday, May 07, 2007
Mundee. Monday. The fresh start to the week. Ah-huh. Clean slate. A day of detox after the indulgent weekend of looseness (ok maybe just for some). Do some exercise. Unfortunately surfing won’t be on your list of activities today. She’s pretty small. Not exactly flat like yesterday. Like knee capperoonies. But hell. What about this […]

Friday, May 04, 2007
outta-puff. Our week’s south swell has totally run outta puff. Overnight it drastically dropped leaving 12.5 inches of beginners heaven. Lets talk about this weather though – 27 degrees today. Ah-huh. What? 21 degree water as well. Stop it. Forget surfing and go swim cause there ain’t a cloud in the sky. I had to […]

Thursday, May 03, 2007
goldie.For a brief moment on a glorious sunny morning down at Bondi everything turns to gold. It only lasts for about 15 minutes and then it switches off back to flat tones. We’ve got that gold this morning. Waves slipped overnight into the 2 foot range from 4 foot. It’s expected to drop even more […]

Wednesday, May 02, 2007
northside chilli.The world would be a better place if we had more days like today. Perfect sunshine. Mighty fine 25 degrees. Brilliant NW offshores with 2-3 metre SSE swell pumping into our beaches. Today I headed north in search of better banks…Bondi was 4-5 foot when I checked it at sunrise, but mostly closing out […]

Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Slacker.Not a good day to be hanging around the office…. A great day at south facing beaches. You’ll come up with some excuse for sure… Swell has cranked up and there’s some freshly served 4-5 footers down at Bondi. Many waves are closing out due to insufficient banks. But strangely 2 in 10 would hold […]