Thursday, March 29, 2007
bottomed out.All day yesterday I was hearing stories of great waves from all corners of this big island – Snapper Rocks to Stanwell, Margaret River to Whaley. What a great day of surfing it was in Sydney. Corka. Disappointingly today is half the size…as the SE swell bottoms out overnight. Bondi was mostly 3 foot […]

Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Big Wednesday.If you’re sitting behind a computer reading this email you’re in the wrong place. Sorry. Sunshine has broken out as we cook up to 26 degrees. Winds are currently W/NW. Um that’s perfect offshore kids. Winds will swing NE later today. The water is still a warm 21 degrees suitable for boardies (lap it […]

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Random.The ocean is still agitated from the previous days southerly blast. It’s blowing a favored SW this morning – but there still is some settlin’ to be done. Random peaks popping up here and there – mostly closing out – but size is good. Couple of sets around head’n’half plus. Swing.By 10pm tonight this southerly […]

Friday, March 23, 2007
goldielocks. Incredible light show this morning. Deep rich golds. Wish I could say the same about the surf. It’s like 1 foot and dribblin’ in. Little bit of NE direction in the swell, but with a period of 3 its just wonky wind-chop. Loads of beginners out giving it a bash. Good day to learn. […]

Thursday, March 22, 2007
6:30am – 1pm Been twiddlin’ that pen thinking about what to write about today. Those two peas are workin’ overtime. At 7am if felt like night it was so dark. The swell machine is temporarily out of order (ankle biters) and dark clouds paint a pretty ugly picture. No wind. Dead still early. Warm water […]

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Dark.Damn dark in the woods earlier today. Not much to see when you get out the back. Small waves. Like waist high sets. Yesterday’s swell dissipated (see outtakes from northside sess to remind you). But it’s super clean. Barely a breath of wind. Good for a longboard dabble. Even though land temp. is going to […]

Tuesday, March 20, 2007
brazilians. gotta love em. No girls, not what you’re thinking. I am talking about 65 kilo, 5’6" bundle of Brazilian pocket rocket – Adriano De Souza. This flamboyant Sao Paulo shredder finished up 20th on the world tour last year (he’s only 20). 4 years ago he took out the World Pro Junior championship at […]

Monday, March 19, 2007
silk.Real tidy day kickin’ off with a burning sunrise and silky clean surfaces. Small 3 footers breaking into Bondi – well worth a paddle around 7am. But within two hours, when the 9am high tide flooded in, not much around at all. Perhaps when the tide goes back down again something will pop up. (low […]

Friday, March 16, 2007
thirty-4. An overnight decline in swell size leaves us with 3 footers down at Bondi. Sensational day. Its gonna hit a mighty fine 34 degrees today…lap it up. NW winds this morning, picking up to 20 knots in the afternoon. South change will come tomorrow, mild one, can see the clouds starting to rock in […]

Thursday, March 15, 2007
eight. The Chinese say 8 is a lucky number. I am running with that seeing its somewhere in my blood. Today’s it’s a special number to this website being the Aquabumps 8th Birthday. Yep 8 years of early mornings! What started from an email between a few of my mates has now grown to over […]

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
I like Cake.I like a whole lot of what I see today. She’s looking might fine. Firstly there is swell. South swell. Like 4 foot at exposed southerly beaches. Oh yeah there is also sunshine. Lots of it. We’re heading to a nice 25 degrees today. Yeha. Winds are blowing gently offshore. Gettin’ my drift. […]

Tuesday, March 13, 2007
blowThat wind continues to blow (SE 10- 15 knots). She’s messy. 3-4 foot chunks. Chubby. Grubby Onshore. 6 guys out. Grey day. Only 23 max today. Couple out the back… good newsAll that blow is creating some swell. Next two days starting to take shape. Clouds will part later today. Sun will shine tomorrow. Winds […]

Monday, March 12, 2007
slacker.Sometimes it just doesn’t all come together. Like when it’s 2 foot and howling onshore. Oh and chuck a couple clouds’n’rain in the mix and you’ve got the perfect day to be hanging in the office, walking around the floor with a piece of paper in your hand like you’re doing something important. Maybe try […]

Friday, March 09, 2007
***delayed broadcast due to internet outage in Noosa for 24 hrs*** superfish. Another corka day in sunny Queensland for the Noosa Festival of Surfing. Damn it’s hot up here. Local legend Josh Constable winning the men’s final and Chelsea Williams winning the women’s in 2 foot/200 metre rights. Water is 24 degrees up here! The […]

Thursday, March 08, 2007
get slow.Cruzeee old loose Noosa continues to put on a few 2 footers at 1st point for the Festival of Surfing which is running through to Sunday. The sun is cooking a fat 30 degrees up here in Queensland. Water is also clear and there’s a long board on every inch of the beach (how’s […]

Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Noosafest. Alright I’ll ‘fess up. Don’t know a great deal about longboarding. Haven’t ridden a board longer than 6 foot in years. But up here at the Noosa festival of Surfing the longer the better. The older the better. The cruzieer the better. Everything is slowed down a couple of notches. Everyone has time for […]

Tuesday, March 06, 2007
snoooze..We’ve got 20-25 knots of howling southerly ripping through the joint this morning. Great if you windsurf. Add some dark thick early morning cloud cover and I wouldn’t blame you for hittin’ the snooze button 10 times. Thought it was going to be much bigger. Bondi’s chest high waves were butchered by the onshore – […]

Monday, March 05, 2007
Grey.Thick overcast skies gloom over 2 footers down at Bondi this morning. Remnants of the weekends NE wind swell are dribbling in – but that’s about to change when the afternoon southerly kicks up to 20 knots instigating a new swell. Tomorrow will be much bigger. Yerp. Like 4-5 foot at south facing beaches, but […]

Friday, March 02, 2007
Bake it. At 4am this morning if you baked the chariot outta Sydney for a wave, this is what you would’ve found…good 3 – 4 foot with a couple of guys out. Um was smokin when I rocked up torn between cameras and boards…Seeing Bondi was pushing 2 foot and the southerlies are starting to […]

Thursday, March 01, 2007
Stealth swell.Little locally generated ENE wind swell snuck under the radar today providing surprisingly fun waves this morning. Totally lacking power, but you’ll score a shoulder high set. Winds are NNW around 5 knots, should swing SE later today…pretty glassy really at Bondi around 7am. Huge crowds enjoying the indo-like water temp (suitable boardy session). […]