"Ok so what’s going on?" I hear you say. Intermittent Aquabumps reports rockin’ in at odd times from all over the place. One word – Bali. Yep I’m back in the smokin’ island paradise amongst the wet season (which seems pretty damn hot and dry to me).
bali gallery.
So why so much time in Indo? Muslim wife? Reunite with heritage? Nasty Goreng addiction? Vegemite Mule? Baaah. Working on the new Aquabumps bling bling gallery which is based within the Sentosa luxury resort (Semingyak). This gallery is killer at about 4 times the size of the current North Bondage version. More details when she’s finished…
Back in Bondi it looks like you’ve had a good old time with some decent south swell recently. Last Sunday was apparently smokin’ and you’ve still got 3 footers at south facing beaches today (good weather too at 27 degrees). The good news is that tomorrow/Thursday you should see more swell coming. So work hard now to free yourself up for the tail end of this week.
swell drought.
Bali has been in a swell drought for a couple of months now (so say the local mob). No major swells this wet season (yet). At this time of year it’s offshore on the other side of the island (Nusa Dua/Sanur). Today we surfed a little volcanic beach tucked well away from anything at only a weak 2/3 foot. Tomorrow should see a small increase in size…::later, uge
Ps – Did you know that the Balinese use ducks as a natural pesticide to keep their crops keen?