Tuesday, January 30, 2007
?"Ok so what’s going on?" I hear you say. Intermittent Aquabumps reports rockin’ in at odd times from all over the place. One word – Bali. Yep I’m back in the smokin’ island paradise amongst the wet season (which seems pretty damn hot and dry to me). bali gallery.So why so much time in Indo? […]

Thursday, January 25, 2007
Ugly.Damn she’s an ugly one this morning. Just couldn’t bring myself to show you five pics of rainy 2 foot slight onshore Bondi dribbles. At least the water temperature has kicked back up to doable levels. So it’s going to rain today with S/SE winds 10/15knots. Land temperature will reach a mild 25 degrees. You […]

Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Damn hot’n’sticky in the jungle this morning. Could cook things in my pants. That water temp has crept up after yesterday’s howling southerlies. So you’re safe from a heart palpitation as you lap up 19 degrees on your morning dip. Wind is non-existent early, but will swing to the E and then NE this afternoon […]

Monday, January 22, 2007
Busted thermostat.The current water temp is just ridiculous. 15 degrees of shrinkage doesn’t sound cold, but it is. Especially when we can get up to 23 degrees around here at this time of year. I was gonna get some nerdy scientist to write up a synopsis explaining the current changes blah…my take is that 10 […]

Friday, January 19, 2007
Slurpee.Suck down those raspberry ice slurpies too fast and you’ll be in a whole world pain when that pea sized brain freezes up. Kinda similar to today’s beach conditions. All hot and sweaty in the jungle – the sun’s got that summer’s sting, everyone’s parading around in not much at all…dang…but do a ‘Hoff’ style […]

Thursday, January 18, 2007
chocWedge. Made a wrong turn off Campbell Parade and ended up at the Wedge. Not a bad mistake seeing a) it loves the north wind/north east swell combo & b) world’s number 25 Luke Stedman, shaper Lee Stacey & Fin Wiz Kid Tim Dey were beltn’ it for six. This locally generated wind swell managed […]

Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Work.Some work. Some don’t. Seems a lot don’t today. This afternoons bumps were shot through the thousands of crew enjoying this salubrious weather down at Bondi. So if you’re reading this you’re probably one of the ‘some work’ crew. (eeck) Well if its any consolation the surf is pretty small 2-foot-wind-waves from the NE. It’s […]

Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Fizza. The small increase in east swell didn’t really kick in that’s for shizzle. Pretty similar to yesterday. It’s micro and suitable for the newbies to the sport. Bondi had knee to waist high dribbles with a massive crowd optimistically staring into the early morning horizon inferno. Good light early. Bit cloudy now. May improve […]

Monday, January 15, 2007
Back On. 3 weeks off and now we’re back…hope the festive season has been treating you well. You’re probably day 1 into your detox. To kick off this year we’ve got micro 1 footers down at Bondage. Ok, maybe the odd 2 foot set. Forget the boards and go for a swim as it’s a […]