Friday, 21 December 2007
The waves are small and weak this morning (1-2ft ENE). Not really worth surfing. Will get better tomorrow. But the sun is shining and most of you are probably nursing a massive hangover anyway. Grab a towel and soak up the 28 degrees. 2007Hard to believe that another year passes by… This is the last […]

Thursday, 20 December 2007
*endangered shark stuckSadly a 2.8 metre Grey Nurse Shark (critically endangered species and not known to be dangerous) got stuck in the protective nets off Bondi and didn’t survive. The net boys hauled the big mutha into the boat around 8:10am this morning after the fish was stuck for around 24 hrs. *smallerSwell backed right […]

Wednesday, 19 December 2007
Some good waves in our paddocks this morning. It’s clean as the southerlies have subsided overnight, but it’s still got some morning sickness…and a bit wobbly. Bondi had waves around 4 feet but it was closing out. Definitely have a hunt around and you’ll find something breaking a lot better. In fact it’s improving as […]

Tuesday, 18 December 2007
*blowStrong southerlies are still in force this morning whipping up the swell but creating very random, bumpy conditions down at Bondi at 7am. It’s sizable, approximately over head high on sets, but I would say when this wind dies it will improve ten-fold. Tomorrow it should swing NE, and the swell will only drop a […]

Monday, 17 December 2007
*sharky onshore The southerly shattered the good waves of the weekend. Some smoookin’ waves Friday/Saturday and early Sunday. These pics from yesterday’s session out of town – surfer: the lightning fast aerial king Kirk Flintoff. Currently we have a heavy onshore/1-2 foot combo. Ain’t pretty. I guess the fact that only 1 guy was out […]

Friday, 14 December 2007
*early xmas If you’re not stuck at a Christmas-lunch-booze-athon…might be a good idea to go for a little surf. It’s good. And it’s about time. 10 second period, 4-5 foot, sunny, currently light NE winds – yes kids Christmas has come early. And it’s going to be good all weekend but the peak of the […]

Thursday, 13 December 2007
~sleep inSlept in today and worked out quite well. Heard at sunrise the waves were dribbly onshore 2ft. Well by the time I got to it at 9am Bondi was starting to shape up – 4 foot, onshore and a little junky but still more than rideable (4 guys out!). The approaching 11:15am high tide […]

Wednesday, 12 December 2007
*Mush.I’m running out of words to describe 2 foot onshore mush. The chewed up SE windswell ain’t too pretty down at Bondi this morning. Dozen or so hardcore punks scrappin’ for anything moving. Best wait until this wind swings (which is Sat). Friday morning looks like decent size but onshore. Also looks like a good […]

Tuesday, 11 December 2007
*winterflashbacksAs we settle in for a week of winter flashbacks, the persistent onshores continue to degrade the 3-foot waves we’ve currently got down at Bondi. Bondi actually ain’t too bad with a SSE winds/SE swell combo. It’s rideable all right. Can do turns. No crowds. But it ain’t that pretty and breaking quite random (not […]

Monday, 10 December 2007
*one hit wonder Well how about that – yesterday the phone was ringing off the hook at 8am so I knew something was cooking. And it was. The small spike expected yesterday turned into 4-5 foot of glassy joy. Bondi was as good as I’ve seen it in months. Waves everywhere. You probably wondering where […]

Friday, 7 December 2007
copy+pasteJust like yesterdays report it’s pretty small to flat again (but very foggy). I am hearing stories of decent waves around lunchtime yesterday – but they’ve gone now. Swell is from the ENE so beaches facing that way would see a rideable wave around 2 foot this morning. South facing Bondi was struggling 1 foot […]

Thursday, 6 December 2007
bumpThere is a little bump down there. Waist high on sets. Incredibly weak though. But if you’d been walking around in the desert for weeks and came across a cracker – that’s the best damn cracker you ever had. This wind swell disappears tomorrow, and there is hope of swell starting next week. But until […]

Wednesday, 5 December 2007
la femmeYes it’s all about the ladies today (ok and 1 shot of a very small child). Middle Bondi had 10 ladies throwing out the heat on 1-2 foot scrappy dribbly bits. Conditions were far from favourable, winds blew onshore and the swell is weak – as if it was generated just around the corner […]

Tuesday, 4 December 2007
Guess what? Its flat again that’s what…and yes there are still people out paddling for ripples. Super clean 0.567ft to 1 .1 foot. After that restless, humid night what a perfect morning for a swim. How about that flash storm yesterday? One minute blue skies…the next a blanket of thick sinister cloud bringing 16mms of […]

Monday, 3 December 2007
Flat Spell The claws of this flat spell are starting to run deep. For weeks now we haven’t had much break above our heads. Today’s no different – knee to a small guys waist (I’m talking as short as Beo). Swell origin is east. 9 knot winds from the NE. High tide 4:30pm, low tide […]

Friday, 30 November 2007
Pretty grim on the surf front. November is a good month to go overseas. Write that down for next year. We’ve barely had a wave for 4 weeks and a few of the man grommets are getting a bit twitchy (annoying). Hawaii is where you want to be today at Pipe turns on for the […]

Thursday, 29 November 2007
After last night’s swell increase to 3 foot you would have woken up this morning excited about the possibility of a decent wave. Well..its bigger, 2 foot, sometimes 3, but a interrupting slight onshore and 6:12am low tide made it shut down at Bondi. Perhaps on a fuller tide you might have something more rideable. […]

Wednesday, 28 November 2007
Quite surprised to see something resembling a little waist high rideable wave this morning. At 5am it was pouring, by 6:30am it was clearing and the surface quality was immaculate glass. Shame it wasn’t bigger. Quite sucky on a southern end bank (hence shot 1 pipe). High tide today is around midday, low tide around […]

Tuesday, 27 November 2007
miss bondi 2007 First up I linked to the wrong miss bondi photos yesterday. So here are the right ones (heat 2 not heat 1). Sorry. 2feet We just can’t seem to break out of the 2 foot mould at the moment. Well today is 1-2 foot and onshore sloppiness. Swell origin is from the […]

Monday, 26 November 2007
*kranky Surfing shouldn’t be too high on the agenda today. 1-2 foot weak dribbling bits are breaking down at Bondi. Swell origin looks to be ENE and there’s a slight onshore agitator early. Sunshine peeping through now and its going to be 24 degrees. Not much else to say really…other than we’re so overdue for […]

Friday, 23 November 2007
fizzerBit of a fizzer this new swell. Charts said it was going to be bigger. Winds are howling 20 knots from the south interrupting a chance of quality waves early today. Swell should pick up and come from the SE later today. Bondi’s southern pocket had 2 footers with the odd set hedging 3 foot. […]

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Damn flat spell continues as the new swell shys away from us. The well anticipated small NE swell is now coming tonight (not today) – we hope. Come on…it’s about time. This morning’s high tide (6:45am) engulfed any sort of a wave so far, as the low tide approaches (1pm) you may see a 2 […]

Wednesday, 21 November 2007
Its pancakes once again but fortunately we’re at the end of this flat spell. What is unsurfable right now should slightly pick up this afternoon to see a remotely surfable wave hitting 2 foot. Tomorrow if all goes to plan we’ll score 3 foot and it will hang around until Sunday. The new swell is […]

Tuesday, 20 November 2007
grasshoppersThe waves today are smoookin’ – that’s if you’re knee high to a grass hopper, think girls are rank and haven’t got a drivers licence yet. 3 lil’ groms hacked the 1 foot shorey this morning down at Bondi – quite entertaining really. All 3 foot/30 kilo of them can generate a fair bit of […]

Monday, 19 November 2007
It’s totally flat and its going to be like this for most of the week.Here’s a couple of suggestions to keep you occupied in between swells: Check out the photos from Miss Bondi 2007 – HEAT 1 Book an overseas business SURF trip that just happens to be on a world class surf break webby […]

Friday, 16 November 2007
*chugSmall 1-2 foot wave chuggin’ into the south end of Bondi at 6:30am. There’s no power nor shape to it today. Thick overhead morning clouds have cleared by the time I wrote this, and you’re looking at a mighty fine 25 degree maximum. Currently we have SW winds at 8/13 knots which will kick around […]

Thursday, 15 November 2007
Pray for swellIt hasn’t been pumping in quite some time now – we’re so overdue. Today the swell has kicked up a notch with waves mostly around the 2 foot mark, its peaky, shifty, and a short period wind swell (average). The charts say the swell period jumps from 5.7 to 9.3 seconds this morning […]

Wednesday, 14 November 2007
bush nookieSaw a young couple going for gold in the bushes at sunrise this morning…aaaah yes, summer really is here in Bondi. Nothing like a bit of bush scratchin’ after a big Tuesday night at the Bondi hotel with a ‘new’ inebriated friend. Backpacker heaven has arrived to good old summer party town Bondi. Even […]

Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Dayz like these I am not really sure what to write about or shoot. Its flat kids. Flat as. I sat on my little patch of concrete in the south pointing 600mms of glass at anything that moved in hope to find some photographic gold. Nope nuttin to see here folks – do some work. […]

Monday, 12 November 2007
goeastThe fruits of the weekend’s east-nor-east swell has faded but not evaporated. (Big words for a Monday I know.) 3 footers are now 1-2 footers, especially at south facing Bondeye. It’s clean and sunny, and much better at an east facing beach. Perfect way to start your week. 24 degrees max on the land, 20 […]

Friday, 9 November 2007
uglySydney surf conditions have been hit with the ugly stick this week. A small pack of grizzly surfers hit Bondi this morning in an attempt to achieve their minimum wave quota. The agitated ocean is still pushing 2-3 footers into the southern corner, but its hell bumpy and random. East/South East winds managing to interrupt […]

Thursday, 8 November 2007
same::sameThis weather is getting pretty lame. It’s raining, onshore and only hitting 3 feet of sloppiness (for the 4th day in a row). Surely you’ve got better things to do than surf today. Showing you 5 shots of greyness probably won’t fry your burger so here are some little gems from the other side of […]

Wednesday, 7 November 2007
They tell me the longer this wind blows the better the surf will be when it cleans up. It’s been blowing all week…and Bondi has been junkie as hell. Scrappy 3 footers in the northern end is the pick of spots, the south end is just one big washing machine. SE winds 18 knots, South […]

Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Master O’ReillyDoubt anyone’s too interested in surfing today. Well because A) its smashing onshore b) its Melbourne cup day. Yes punters, it’s your big day to scam off work and booze it up all arvo after celebrating your winnings on MASTER O’REILLY (11) – that’s my tip for the day. So bail the computer and […]

Monday, 5 November 2007
bigblowIt’s howling… The kind of blow when you see those Sulo bins guts-up spewing all over the road, when the TV reception don’t work so good as your antenna is doing 360s on the roof, when the little ladies running down the street have their umbrellas inside out… 30 knots of southerly brought rain, cooler […]

Thursday, 1 November 2007
mushybitsReal small mushy bits this morning. Not worth surfing at all peeps. Lucky to find something over knee high. Just couldn’t seem to shoot anything worth showing you this morning. Wait for tomorrow when its bigger and cleaner (says the charts). Winds swinging NE today…new east swell tomorrow. underwater peopleWe all love the ocean even […]

Wednesday, 31 October 2007
In the shadows of yesterday’s joy, today seems a bit av. The current ENE swell dropped a couple of gears overnight, Bondi was pretty micro at waist high, but that faces the wrong way, something exposed to the source will show chest high sets, but it’s not as consistent as yesterday. Don’t get bummed as […]

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
easterly puppiesEveryone’s busy talking about last night’s late sessions where the current ENE swell kicked up coinciding with one of the first days of day light saving – only 200 guys out as a result. Well…the swell is still here this morning…and maybe even a tad bigger. Combined with a sunny maximum of 25 degrees […]

Monday, 29 October 2007
localLittle locally generated wind swells popping up around the place at the moment. Kinda hard to tell what’s going to happen next. Today we’ve got some small waves down at Bondi around chest high on sets that look fun. Its clean with northerlies (NW) and a whopping 31 degrees – the icy on this beach […]

Thursday, 25 October 2007
bedhead These grey mornings don’t make it easy to get out of bed. At 7am I was watching Bondi spit out the odd 3 foot leftie worthy of a hack. A remarkably small crowd for probably the best day of the week so far…definitely the coolest with max of 20 degrees forecast. I like it. […]