Since the year 1999 I’ve been waking up at dawn everyday to shoot pics. ok. I may have missed a couple after a big night. But that’s 7 years honks. Possibly 2000 early mornings. No golf clap please. No medal required stirrers. I’ve seen more sunrises than a DJ in Ibiza. yeah. and my point is? Today’s sunrise is one of the best. I rate it. It was phenomenal. Best ever(ish). Just the right amount of thin cloud. Just the right amount of sun to spark up a skyshow inferno above North Bondage. So. Lap. It. Up. Hell even download yourself a new Aquabumps Desktop Image to remind you that mornings are the best part of the day and haul arse outta bed …even if its just for a swim or flake on a rock.
The surf. You’re totally dreaming. Its flat or ankle biters. And there ain’t much for the rest of the week either…why not check out the Aquabumps Gallery Flip Book and do some chrissy shopping ::uge