Tuesday, October 24, 2006

This Indonesian wave magnet continues to pump. Not
a big swell, 4-5 foot at most exposed reefs. Tomorrow is a different
story with a bigger swell predicted…so the locals say…Chinese
whispers on the peninsula aren’t the best source of swell info…local
Warungs (huts) always say tomorrow will be ‘going off’ in order
to lure you back again with a pocket full of Rupiah.

I thought Black Magic only existed in the movies &
cartoons but here in Bali it’s serious stuff. Sometimes you can
be at a street stall and if you don’t make a purchase you can be
threatened with a dark spell. Or how about a mean ex partner leaving
some garlic on your front door in attempt to cast a spell of misfortune
over you. Black magic can be used to sell houses, bring rain, cure
illness – almost anything. Right now I am waving a chicken over
my laptop in attempt to bring on some solid swell to fire up spectacular
Padang Padang.

Back in Bondi it looks like a cracker with a
sunny day, 3 foot of south swell and NW winds. Max land temp. 25.
High tide 9am, low tide 3:30pm. Go surf.

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