Check that date above. Yep an early one. Can get back on the chair now. The south swell that’s been around lately has faded giving way to a new, weaker, shorter interval NE wind swell. South facing Bondi was barely breaking as the wind chop on steroids rocks right past the bay.
So its not good news for surfers, as you’ll have to grovel at a north/east facing beach (Whaley? Bra?)…sets around shoulder high. Its not powerful stuff so I wouldn’t get too excited. NW/NE winds were in early (and will blow 25 knots). Expect rain/thunderstorms later and a muggy 34 degrees today.
What a cracker of a sunrise. It’s funny…I normally carry 3-4 cameras & 5 lenses to capture the sunrise including a 617 panoramic film shooter. This morning I said…nope, one camera one lens, and it was probably in my top 3 sunrises for the year…
Some rumblings deep down south are creating swell for the weekend. You’ll see a dramatic swell increase Friday (South swell). Good chance to practice for the Bondi Single Fin comp.
There is also a decent swell running along the west coast of Australia on its way to indo…and there is also a QF137 flight running along the east coast of Australia headed for Bali – and I’m on it. So off we go again, and you’re coming with my third eye…yeeeeeeha. Aquabumps Gallery shut on weekdays, open on weekends::junpa-lagi::uge