When the wind blows in West Oz it’s time to batten down the hatches. We’ve had a couple of days of howling WSWesterly that keeps you hugging those north points for protection. Damn board blew clean out of my hands before hitting the water yesterday. One day you’d might wake up to find your SULO in another state.
Today’s Aquabumps comes from the land of the good drop – Margaret River. The swell is up (4m), but so is the wind (WSW onshore). Found a couple of rogue chunx in a protected corner…big boards required…not ‘best ever’, but worthy of a slide. Sets up around 6-7 foot. So many good line ups down here…when the wind swings offshore – she’ll be cookin’…stay tuned.
Down south has changed a lot over the past few years (to say the least).Big grins everywhere on local residents…a grin that you’d wear if your house price has tripled in the past two years. Tradies everywhere working on new pads… the economy is pumping overe here.
Back in Sydney you should have a small south swell producing waves up around head high (at exposed beaches). Winds look NE’ster…so Bond*age should have a few small peaks. Nothing ‘all time’ on the radar…so pump the work out. Later::uge (west of the border)