Sometimes things don’t work out. Oh no no…it’s me not you. Sometimes the wind is just all wrong. Like today. Onshore SE 15 – 20 knots. And sometimes the swell is nothing but knee high wind slop. You couldn’t paddle onto it even if you tried. So surely you’ve got a lot of work to do today. Crystal ball says forget about if for a few more days. Oh yeah… I wasn’t gonna show you 5 pics of onshore Bondi sloppage. So hope these Tahitian Chopes pics from June this year keep you going in between swells.
TOP 45 LAUNCH THEIR OWN WEBSITE. Yep. The best 45 surfers in the world have launched a website providing a unified voice and a gateway to interact with surfers everywhere. CJ Hobgood: "It will give you exclusive access to us!" check it
John Witzig exhibition moves to Margaret River.
14 October to 11 November – Madfish Wines, Miamup Road, Cowaramup, WA , 08 9756 5200. To be opened by Nat Young. A selection from the 2005 and 2006 Sydney and Melbourne shows. The earliest of the photographs is of Rodney “Gopher” Sumpter at Wategos Beach at Byron Bay in 1962. The most recent is Mark Richards at Haleiwa in Hawaii in 1976 when he was the stand-out surfer of that winter on the north shore. In between are images of mid-‘60s Noosa Heads and the NSW north coast. Check it