Selmat pagi. Yep back in the land of warm water and tubular reefs (I can’t stay away). You’ve all been through here at one point. Bali. A magical place where you can live like king & surf world class pipes. Even with all the current travel warnings, half of Europe has moved in for the August silly season. Everything is chokkas. The beach. The cafes. The Surf.
Currently the swell is tiny. All of the swell magnets are struggling to produce anything over head high. I found a pack of Balinese groms frothin’ on the island’s version of Bondi (I won’t be saying where). These 4 foot high, 40 kilo locals are built to surf – small, agile and hungry to smash any lip that protrudes – They all wanting to be the next Rizal and Made. Every year they just get better and better. They’re not camera shy either, 3 frames into a shooting sess and 10 of them belted down from the warungs to get their teethy mugs captured. They haven’t grasped the concept of dodging a photographer in the water yet – and they think aerials of my head are the funniest thing ever.
And looky that…Bondi seems to have a few waves today. From the maps I’d suspect Bond*age would be around 3 foot, offshore (NW) and pumping (that’s if the banks are back).
Later, Uge