The late show. What time is it? Would like to say I’ve been surfing all morning – but no such luck here. It’s been a good day of surfing so far…well thats before the SE onshore came in and bashed the quality out of it. This morning we scored early offshores & clean 5 footers at south exposed beaches – Hey what’s that ? – a tinge of summers bake in the air – gotta be a RDO today…
Today’s shredder is Bronte’s Tom Whitaker who is currently ranked 10th on the world Pro Tour after a 5th at J-bay. The Pros have a couple months off before the next WCT event in Trestles (Sept). Whitaker was out polishing his act for the second half of the tour – which will be hopefully as strong as his first half.
Here are the specifics for detailed people – High tide 7:30pm, low tide 12:45am, Water 18, Land 19 (feels warmer). Tomorrow looks to be a cracker with Westerlie offshores, smaller but probably lining up better and a top of 21 degrees (yeeoow). In fact its going to be fine until next Monday and a cracker 23 on Sunday! Now ya talking – who’s having the barbie?
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