Monday, July 10, 2006

Where the bloody hell are ya? Doesn’t have the same twang not coming from Lara Bingle. Well Aquabumps will be broadcast from a remote archipelago of islands, 100 kilometres off Sumatra, Indonesia for the next week or so. We’re in search of warmer water and tubular perfection which this area consistently produces. After a couple of international flights (with lost baggage involving my camera gear) and overnight motoring on the 48 foot turbo charged cat, we’ve arrived to find ferociously speedy lefts, around the head high mark on razor sharp coral reefs. All of us have lost bark on day 1. The weather is volatile with glorious sunshine one minute, and then a 35 knot squall the next. Currently we seek protection in a sheltered bay awaiting this afternoon’s storm to pass.

The word on the street is that Sydney’s had some waves last week. I hear Thursday it was pumping…nice.

Special thanks to Telstra Mobile Satellite Services for supplying an internet connection for the boat enabling these broadcasts. Being online out here is truly a miracle, considering the how primitive the local villages really are. Hopefully the weather clears up tomorrow..later, ::uge

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