Monday, June 19, 2006

There are waves but it seems no one is surfing
them… Still in bed perhaps after watching the ‘roos? Or this early
more chill getting the better of us. Bondi had a wonky wave..a right
in the south which had a quick section before blubbering into fatness.

I thought it dropped overnight – say around 3 foot
at south facing beaches (7am), but as I just drove past the beach
(10am) I saw a chunky freak set around 6 foot – 1 of a kind. It’s
a bit random…one wave you might get a sucky slab like Wheeloid’s
(which he reckons is the best tube he’s scored at bondiville), then
your next wave would be a train smash.

High tide 3pm, low tide 8:37am, 19 degree water, 17
degrees on land. Smaller tomorrow.


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