She’s arrived…early in fact…and she’s real pruuuddy. She’s a perfect height; she’s got nice lines, very consistent, smooth and she’s packing some heat. 4 foot sets, SW offshores and sunshine make for a good day out in the water. 1 important ingredient missing down at Bondi – sand banks – it’s straight as. Bake it out of town.
This swell will crank. Tomorrow afternoon will show a massive increase in size; whilst Sunday should provide joy for hell men tow maniacs. The big question – is it going to bigger than BIG TUESDAY. My call, nup, but close. Expect 10 -12 foot solid, south winds. Not a good weekend to see if you can climb the cliffs of Ben Buckler…
Yesterday we experienced some technical glitches, hence you probably didn’t get a report. Should all be sorted now. Tip – add this email address to you address book to ensure safe delivery in the future.
X-Box 360 Water Balloon Challenge – April 22 Coogee Beach
Balloons are multipurpose objects. You can tie knots in them to resemble alien dogs, fix them to your front gate on a Sunday to see if it draws a crowd, suck helium out of them to make you sound like big Mikey J…or once in Bangkok I saw… (actually never mind) …but there’s nothing better than fill’n em full of water and ditching them at ya mates. On April 22, between 10am – 1pm down at Coogee Beach, they’re planning the worlds biggest water bomb fight. In 2005 the Spaniards stole the world record with 2,677 punks throwing 50,855 water bombs. You need to register online by clicking here
Later, uge