Thursday, March 02, 2006

More swell sliding into Bondi this morning with waves around shoulder to occasionally head high. Ocean looks a little confused with some east/south swell combo smothered with onshore SE winds. You’d get the odd wave if you played your cards right. 10:50 high tide, 17:09 low tide. Dark morning with virtually no light until 7:30am – not the best conditions for shooting pics. People say I make the surf look better than it really is. Of course I Photoshop Andy Irons (and call him Wal) from 10 ft Chopes and put him on Bondi 2 foot dribbles.

Tomorrow expect shower or two (25degrees), SE/NE winds, slightly smaller than today,

Classic email from reader:
"I live in Vancouver Canada. I am an old body surfer. I look at the photos of Bondi each day and have memories of my youthful years at Bondi. I think I commenced body surfing this area before any one. You have, by now guessed, I am 77 years old."..Ray, Canada, Vancouver

Have a good day. —– — – – – – – >Uge

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