Wednesday, February 08, 2006

After yesterdays howling southerlies we’ve got waves this morning down at Bondi. Its rating decent on the grunt-ometer with waves breaking 4 foot with larger sets (perhaps 5ft). Only one problem – it was mainly shutting down at 7:30am and looking a bit random. In saying that I did see the odd boffable section with loads of crew out on the sniff. Swell is from the south – so surf beach facing that way. East north East winds. Max 25 degrees on the land. The blueys are out in force so expect a bit of tickle. Tomorrow smaller, cleaner (NE winds with another late south change)

Soul Riders kicks off tonight with Taylor Steele’s prolific ‘Campaign II‘… 8pm kick off @ North Bondi RSL & 5 clams on the door as usual.

Gotta run today…later, Uge

PS – my email was bouncing yesterday. Please resend if you were trying to get in touch with me.

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