Friday, February 03, 2006

Hi. Early morning rain delayed the morning’s shots so its lunchtime bumps. Bond-age looking okish in the middle of the bay with a few wonky burgerish peaks. Slight onshore winds amongst chest high sets. Nice little left in the middle with a beltable inside shorey. Nothing to race down here for. Only 25 degrees today with moderate south to southeast winds. (Will swing more easterly later in the day). 12:50 high tide, 19:12 low tide, warm water with 23 degrees. Might score a few bigger ones tomorrow. Weather looks pretty av over the weekend apart from Sunday afternoon when this greyness clears up.

Quite a few people email in wondering what I look like. So today is the day – shot of me shooting in my new stripe shirt. Come say g’day if you see me around the traps.

There is a Koby Abberton benefit night at AJC Randwick Racecourse on the 11th Feb (Sat) at 7pm. Contact Wayne Cleveland 0404 904 664 for tickets or email – tickets $150 which include dinner and drinks.

Later, ~uge

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