Well that’s it for another year – Aquabumps 5th
year. What started as an email to a few mates has now grown rapidly
to be viewed by approximately 16-17,000 per day all around the globe.
It was a big year for this site…
To wind up this year I thought I’d include some of
my favourite shots as the surf today is dribblin’ knee cap breakers
and hardly worth speaking of – and I don’t think it will improve
for quite a few days.
We close down for 3 weeks now!
I know you all think that Aquabumps is a huge empire
with multi storey building at Bondi, hundreds of employees…and
we all work 2 hours a day and surf for the rest making zillions
(now that sounds good) but there is a fair bit to get this site
cranking and I have to thank many people who generously help out
in exchange for a collectors edition Aquabumps tee – or most of
the time for free!
Special Thanks to: Dave Birch (technical
code monkey who built Aquabumps), Jamie Verco (Landlord, Lead business
consultant and coffee boy), Ness Rowe (censorship, lead consultant
and Aquabumps tour chef), all the advertisers, everyone who bought
a print or tee, Aquatech (Craig, Al and Andrew – water housing department),
Karl Page (side kick photographer at events), Christian Tan (tester,
tee model, bro, and consultant), Damion & Fern Fuller (fashion
department), Kane Skennar (photographic consultant), Marky Mark
Wiesmayr (general advice and frotha), Mal from coastalwatch, Andrew
Cuccurullo (mentor1), Mike Kean (mentor2), Saxon (frothin’ advice
and kickin’ me along), Legendary Jon Frank (who got me into water
shooting), Bishop Displays (for framing my prints), Richard from
Underwater Australia Gallery, Matty Yo for words of encourage every
day, Kylie for me 1st digi, Lucy (Aquabumps 1st part time employee
– level 2), Zac Zavos (online consultant and web extraordinaire),
Chib (humor quality control and motivator), S-central (web hosting),
Sam Mac and Derek from Stab (bits’n’pieces), Eclipse Group (for
letting me start this thing), Aloha (me boards), The Rowe family,
Andrew Boddy (design consultant), Chris Jones (coding frotha), Darryl
Nichols from Soul Riders, Marnie from Pages, n2n chix for putting
up with moi, Shuvs (help getting it all started – No.1 supporter)
me parents…I’ve sooo forgot someone mega important and will cringe
later. And thanks to all-youseeee who read this ramble…
Have a great Christmas and New Year. See you
mid Jan. ::Uge (that’s pronounced YOOOJ not ooooggeee
for the record).