Today’s report is late…yup, but for a good reason…a special guest…
Today I caught up with one very chilled individual; Dave Rastovich who on a 7 hour stop-over in Sydney (on route to Hawaii) paddled out to flirt with today’s decent 3-4 footers from the east. 26 year old Rasta has a brilliant job…one to aspire to…he gets paid to surf and film at exotic locations around the world without the burden of having to compete on the world tour.
Riding a Dick Van Straalen single fin, he manages to busts fins out and hook into some stylish cutties making it look all too easy…a few years back he was a serious contender for the world title…but he’s not big on the hype, and rather be free to surf or do whatever he desires.
<rrrrzzip> Now back to standard stuff…I’ve closed the fin comp…and have the 30 winners. Once I have all their names I will post em’.
Hope you got a few today – was fun…later, uge