There was a little bump earlier today (see pic at 5:30am to prove I was up). East North East wind swell chopped up a few chest highs at exposed beaches around 7am, but now (3:40pm)…only dribbly bits left and the North Easter is blowing. So where the hell’s your morning report…off doing stuff…it’s the late show today. I’d like to say I was surfing…tucking into tubular action…but no such luck here. But you know what?… It’s a salubrious day – all thirty fat degrees of it – so lap it up.
You know summers hit Bondee when:
- When you don’t hear English spoken in South Bondi.(in fact 90% of Bondi)
- It takes 2 hours to park your car, and there’s probably an old discarded mattress blocking you from access
- There are people having a few beers at Ravesis around 9am.(on a Tuesday)
- People think Bondi is a camping ground and pitch a tent overnight
- I find passed out backpackers head first in the sand at 6am – with undies in their pockets
- The promenade looks more like a Paris fashion show with some of the world’s most beautiful women (and men I guess). You fall in love many times a day.
- You hear car stereos that could power the Big Day Out
- Dimitri is a 5% shade darker than he normally is
- Think you get the gist…email me some funny Bondi idiosyncrasies to win gold bullion, houses, trips around the world…orkay maybe an Aquabumps tee.
Enjoy. Uge