Wal: “can ya smell it?” Uge: “Wot?” Wal:”Summer (insert dumb grin)”….
indeed amigos – its here. What a sensational morning down the beach.
The sun had that element of ‘bake’ to it. The waves unfortunately
have backed of somewhat from yesterday’s bag of goodies. Instead
of 5-6 foot range, we’re torkin’ 2-3 foot and a heap weaker. It’s
still surfable, but you won’t be hitting the office with recent
memories of ultra deep tubes, massacring some wally faces (time
to book another flight me thinks). It will be more like… take
off (with 2 guys droppin’ in)…mad pump it lookin’ for a bit of
lip to boff. Maybe one boff…twice if you play your cards right.
A left close the middle had something to offer on
the sets – but she’s on the decline. Tomorrow I wouldn’t expect
much at all. In fact your board probably won’t touch water until
mid next week. Today we’ll reach a deluxe 25 degrees, winds are
NW early then swinging NE. Water still chilly 18. Fine weather and
25 for the next 4 days…real nice. Maybe you can join the Page
boys in rubbing baby oil on each other.
The reports have been a little late – lately – indeed.
Our 100 person IT team is working on correctly this problem.
Tip: if you find these emails come
through without pics, or only now and then…or get stuck in junk
mail filters…try adding this email address to your address book.
Look..The boys from STAB have a newy out…and yes
a chopper is involved: