Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Waves were pumping today. Shacks all round. Swell has come up and
loads of breaks are lighting up – plenty to go around for all. We
surfed mostly 4-5 footers with light winds for most of the day…
until 5pm where a 45 knot squall struck in a matter of seconds causing
havoc at an exposed left hander (which was previously pure glass).
Boats flying everywhere, 1 metre visibility in torrential rain proving
hard work to get all the crew out of the water. No one lost – but
think a fair bit of stuff blew off the boat.


Today got a chance to get out there with the new Aquatech
water housing with a fisheye. Suits these super sucky reefs perfectly.
Anchoring tonight on a hot left which is renowned for its water

The word on the boats is that the Cameron Diaz/Jack
Johnson tour is a pork pie – these boatie mofos drink to much an
hallucinate me thinks. Indies 4 is carrying Laird, Malloy’s and
Machado somewhere deep south of the archipelago. Hope you’re scoring
a few in Bondee…Later::uge

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