Nothing to surf today. Great sunrise which I think I caught the tail end of. Put the boards away for the next 3 days. Can’t see any swell until next Tuesday. It is going to be 25 degrees today though, summer is coming. Light to moderate north to northwest winds freshening a little during the afternoon.
Thanks for the 10,000 emails requesting joggercam, bikini cam & swimmer cam. It is winter remember…but summer is around the corner.
[Waste time submitting answers to Aquabumps questionnaires even though there is no hint of a prize when I should be working. If they fire me you’ve scored a new assistant.]
[Go skiing]
[encourage your girlfriend to call in sick and stay in bed]
[Hang sh*t on uge, drink beer, have a baby, buy presents for your girlfriend] Prego Ness
[Listen to JJJ at lunchtime, this dude was talking about photographing the surf @ Bondi on Monday] – he sounds cool.
[Book a ticket to Indo!!!] – now ya talking my language. 2 weeks to go.