Friday, August 05, 2005

North Narra 7am, shoulder high sets, bit messy but very beltable
Damn know when it’s snowing up there on dem mountains…brrr.brrr. The early SW offshore today cuts straight through you like a chilly knife. Trigger finger nearly fell off. Still sunny, but only max 16 today. Swell has come up as predicted and you’ll score waves around shoulder to head high at Bondi this morning. I found some real fun ones at North Narra with a small demolition crew mutilating what pockets were available. Still messy, but the odd set wave had some succulent rightness.

She’s gonna blow this afternoon with howling south/south westerlies 25 knots. So a morning session is the best time. This fresh wind will stir up the swell, so add a couple of feet later in the day. The early tomorrow should have a few.

Ben Lucas, down at Six Ounce Board Store is offering a free board cover and leggie with any keel fin fish board purchased over the next week. Great deal…head to 2/144-148 Glenayr Ave Bondi and talk it up with Ben. Telephone 9300 8339.

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