Friday, July 29, 2005

An exhausted south swell could only manage knee high dribbles down at Bondi this morning. Perfectly sunny, yet extremely chilly morning…heading towards a top of 19 degrees. A number of surfers out scrappin’ around on the knee high closeouts – not really doing a great deal. A left in the middle occasionally has something to play on, but I would suggest a Mal or Fish be your weapon of choice. High tide 3:08pm, Low tide 8:27am. Good day for beginners.

This weekend’s surf conditions look dire. I don’t even think the board will touch water. It will be even smaller tomorrow. I imagine there will be some loose man grommies out late this weekend…like the romantic couple captured in one of my shots today, mad pashing at sunrise after a big night at the Bondi Hotel (note: ciggie still in hand). Mannie & Ness – is that you again?

Yet, if one was looking for somewhere to hang on Saturday night with a good crew – Ruby Rabbit would be the go for the Aquabumps Mad Hatters Party. Thanks to Canadian Club and Malibu – they’d be a few potent cocktails floating around. We can only fit a limited number in the door – no guarantees. More info

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