Thursday, June 30, 2005
Ugly morning. Saw 1 person on Bondi running in the rain – no one surfing. Heavy rain, dark thick grey skies with howling easterly wind at 35 knots. The good news is that this storm has kicked up some swell. It’s not rideable yet due to onshore conditions…but tomorrow afternoon and Saturday look like a […]

Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Aloha. Bumps are back. What a trip. Rad. Thanks Indies III crew & guests for making the trip possible. I’m back up there in a couple of months – dang! Indonesia may be close to Australia geographically, but logistically it’s a mission and might as well be on the other side of the globe (36 […]

Monday, 27th June 2005
We’ve had epic waves this trip. Started a little slow…but the islands came good in the second week. Some of the best surf I’ve seen up here. Let the pictures do the talking – seeya back in Bondeee. Later ::Uge

Tuesday, 21st June
Hola. Having minimal contact with the outside world I don’t really know what’s happening at Bondi (or the rest of the world for that matter). Over here in Indonesia we scored today. The promised swell arrived at a 150 metre left hander. 6 foot on the larger sets, 4 foot for most of the day […]

Sunday, June 19
Selamat pagi. Bondi has probably been ‘best ever’ in my absence…I bet. Well we’ve been scoring a few waves in the Mentawai’s over the past couple of days. Most breaks suffer from early morning sickness, wind chop affected and not really lining up. But by about lunchtime it completely cleans up into 3-4 foot bowly […]

Thursday 16, June 2005
Hola! Psycho day…began with chunky 4-5 foot left hander, perfect sunshine…little bit fat in sections…no crew. Around 12pm we were greeted with a 50 knot storm mutilating anything surfable. All out of the water to find a sheltered point. 2 hours later, it perfectly glassed off and a few tubing rights on a nearby deserted […]

Wednesday, June 15, 2005
We’re here! Indonesia that is…if you’re not up with the program Aquabumps reports are being broadcasted off the luxury vessel Indies Trader III for a couple of weeks. 8 surfers, 6 staff and 94 feet of pure joy. It’s a floating palace. Geez…be a miracle if this report gets through to you all (via satellite […]

Friday, June 10, 2005
Bondi 7am – smaller, waist to shoulderThe swell is down on yesterday yet still surfable for the keen ones. Waves around waist to shoulder high in the middle and the corner. Back wash was causing a few problems in the south. This stretch of perfect weather continues with clear skies and decent temp of 22 […]

Thursday, June 09, 2005
Bondi 7am – super clean shoulder high wavesIf I wasn’t stuck behind this laptop, I’d be floating somewhere between south to mid Bondi picking off the odd shoulder high peak under yet another perfectly sunny day. The bigger sets would probably getting me hooting whilst the smaller ones be not much more than short trim […]

Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Bondi 8am – sweet fun ones Joy morning. Nice little shoulder to head high clean waves rolling inconsistently into the bay this morning. Large lulls giving you time between sets to soak up the sunshine. Winds are offshore and the water is still supremo 20 degrees. It’s bigger and cleaner than yesterday…not smokin’ (bit fat […]

Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Bondi 7am – waist high, super clean, offshore winds Its pretty small, around ya waist, sometimes bigger, clean…large lulls in between some fun ones. 2 distinct peaks, middle and south both semi working – quite weak & soft. A left in the middle was the pick with a large pack of mals sniffin’ out the […]

Monday, June 06, 2005
Bondi 7am – waist to shoulder, its been better Today’s surf ain’t much to froth about. Especially incomparison with last weeks solid sessions. How goooood was last Friday and Saturday? Hope you scored. Today we’ve got waist to shoulder high waves in the middle on a left hand bank. Lacking grunt, most waves were surfable […]

Friday, June 03, 2005
Bondi 8am – bigger, cleaner 4-5 foot yeoow Good size at Bondi this morning. Swell has come up overnight pushing 4-5 foot waves into the bay. Couple meaty rights starting to break out the front of the Bergs. High percentage of waves shutting down straight…especially with the approaching low tide (11:25am). Best surf it with […]

Thursday, June 02, 2005
Bondi 7am – workable peaks a plenty, little straightGreetings on this frosty morning. We’ve got clean head high waves under perfectly clear skies and an artic offshore breeze. Bondi has several peaks working, most of which had close out sections. Perhaps with more water, towards the high tide it may improve. Low tide 10:43 High […]

Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Bon-dye 8am – bigger, messier and surfableLast nights strong south change gave birth to a new swell which is bigger yet messier than yesterday. Bondi had some larger 3-5 foot sets out the back towards the middle. Looked really bumpy and closing out on the bigger ones. A protected corner would best suit today’s conditions. […]