Thursday, March 31, 2005
Bondi 7am – looking the goods. Head high. Clean. Tube sectionsLooking quite tasty this morning with head high clean waves breaking on multiple banks on Bondi. Southern corner has a sucky bank creating the odd pit under a very overcast morning. Swell is predicted to increase this afternoon for tomorrow. We’re gonna get some good […]

Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Bondi 7am – head high and bumpy Bondi was a hive of activity this morning with bootie camps, morning walkers/joggers, swimmers and surfers trying to suck in the last of the warm weather before entering our mild Sydney winter (max 21 degrees today). The surf was bit of a mush-fest, with stroppy head high chunx […]

Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Bondi 6:30am – head high, semi clean surfableHows yoouse dooin? Geez there has been some swell around the traps of late – love last week’s storm. Hope you scored on the Easter break. I’ve been hearing so many stories of epic waves from up and down the coast. I think I must have traveled the […]

Wednesday, March 23, 2005
The talk of the town today was this ferocious storm that has tormented New South Wales with gale force winds and relentless rain – brilliant isn’t it? It’s been going strong for about 24 hours now (it’s currently 10:30pm Wed) and the ocean has been enraged into spitting monster chunx – 6+ metre faces booming […]

Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Bondi 7am – onshore bumpy head high on sets, smaller than yesterday.The weather is about to explode. Sometime today a storm is going to hit from the south terrorizing Sydney with gale force southerly winds and flash flooding. You could get winds up to 50 knots tonight, so best secure that Barbie cover and park […]

Monday, March 21, 2005
At 6:40am my initial description would be random peaks, not really lining up and breaking well over head high on sets. You’d get the lucky odd one lining up…not going nuts but decent. However at 7:30am I witnessed a small pack hovering around a middle bank Bondi picking off some sweet lefties. Amongst a 6:15am […]

Friday, March 18, 2005
Bondi 7am – onshore ugly chunksThe beltn’ 30 knot southerlies are blowin’, agitating the seas for the past 24 hours. It’s the first day that you can feel a winter’s chill in the air (max 20)…time to dig out the woolies. This wind brings swell, well over head high down Bondi way. The persistent onshores […]

Thursday, March 17, 2005
Stood on the beach for 20 minutes at 8:30am and didn’t see anyone catch a wave. Guess that sums it up for ya. Beach was empty…thick clouds making it pretty dark to shoot anything of decent quality, rain wasn’t helping either…so I decided rather than show you borza shots of 3 guys bobbing up and […]

Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Hola Chicos, Not a pretty morning with corrupting onshore SE winds and a micro east wind swell. Quite a few keen early birds optimistically staring out to the horizon in search of some action (bit like Plummie down the pub). You’d have to be really keen or just starting out (torkin’ about the surf not […]

Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Maroubra 7am – small weak wind swell, surfable. Bit av.Quality summery morning with warm water, clear skies and gentle offshores. A locally generated ENE wind swell was trickling into Maroubra this morning dodging the south facing Booondhi. It’s really quite weak and small, around waist to chest(ish) high – you can surf it, and may […]

Monday, March 14, 2005
Bondi 7am – small surf under a glorious summers dayNo sign of a weakening summer as we cruise into a max temperature of 28 degrees today. How good was the weekend…me thinks some of the best weather so far this year. Why would you live anywhere else? (bias) On the surf front there isn’t a […]

Friday, March 11, 2005
Bondi 7:30am – expected better (eternal optimist). Onshore mushy chest highPersistent southerly winds continue to mushify chest high sets this morning. I expected it to be better…perhaps with the increase in swell size this afternoon and predicted NE wind stream we may see some joy. Looked weak and sloppy…suitable for a muck around only. 09:50 […]

Thursday, March 10, 2005
Bondi 7:30am – messy onshore shoulder high mushYesterday’s chunky bits have been downgraded to shoulder high mush-burgers this morning down at Bondi. Howling (SE) onshore winds were corrupting any possibility of a clean face at 7am… looks like it will be the same for most of the day -‘ so crank some work out. Tomorrow […]

Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Bondi 7am head to head and half monster chunks, closing outDramatic increase in swell size this morning…some decent sized muthas pounding our beaches (hopefully renovating our sand banks). Swell is coming from the south, directly into Bondi closing out most of the bay. If you don’t mind paddling 20 minutes into monster foam balls to […]

Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Bondi 7am – smaller than yesterday – funAmongst a restless large morning crowd the south swell machine produced waves up around the chest high mark this morning down at Bondi. Some serious singeing dropins going down – think I might start up a ding repair business – loose boards everywhere. I’d suggest surfing the middle […]

Monday, March 07, 2005
Bondi 7:30am – sweet head high, super clean, sunny!Some days don’t you just wish you had no commitments, no job, no meetings, no mobile phones?…if this was the case I would be putting the new epoxy shooter in the back of the car, pull out onto the highway, elbow out the window and roll up […]

Friday, March 04, 2005
Bondi 8am – waist high, closing out. Sand banks required. Sorry about the late report (eeck)…This morning I dipped into the southern end of Bondi to find clean little waves which were predominantly closing out on a shallow bank (low tide at 9:46am). This ENE swell is not really doing much at Bondi, and would […]

Thursday, March 03, 2005
Bondi 7:30am, head high on sets, bit bumpyYesterday’s southerly change stirred up some goodness delivering chest to head sets this morning. Nice surprise. Surface quality was quite bumpy with the slight onshorey…they didn’t seem to have a great deal of push behind them either…nonetheless, it’s probably the best it’s been all week (but that’s like […]

Wednesday, March 02, 2005
How Psycho is the weather today? This morning I woke to a burning inferno on the horizon and clear skies, and now as I write (1 hour later) am amidst a violent thunderstorm with drenching rain! Less activity in the ocean this morning as waves struggle to break above your knee caps. Even if you’re […]

Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Bondi 7am – knee high clean dribblesAfter a slight spike in swell height last night, it disappointingly dropped this morning and will continue to decline this afternoon. The outlook for surfing this week is poor with knee high waves (or less) predicted for most of it. Swell direction looks like it’s got a bit more […]