Friday, December 23, 2005
Well that’s it for another year – Aquabumps 5th year. What started as an email to a few mates has now grown rapidly to be viewed by approximately 16-17,000 per day all around the globe. It was a big year for this site… To wind up this year I thought I’d include some of my […]

Thursday, December 22, 2005
Hot night last night – the heat was thick until the welcomed minor south change rocked in cooling the town down. This morning the new winds mashin’ up what little surf we have on offer this morning. Bondi was max’ing at waist high. Very messed up [and I’m not talking about Jamie Mann]. It’s no […]

Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Nice surprise this morning with some juicy lil’ waves down Bondi way. Average wave height around waist to chest high with larger sets up around head high. Inviting conditions with barely any wind, silky smooth surfaces and ultra deluxo warm water. These southern bumps are on the decline so an early sess is the go […]

Tuesday, December 20, 2005
See bullet points for more details: A small south swell is producing surfable waist high waves with the odd freak set around shoulder high – but you’ll have to be very patient in flat patches. Decent banks. The water is crystal clear. Clearest I’ve ever seen it (Mentawaiesque). Water is also a perfect temperature – […]

Monday, December 19, 2005
Huh-wot? <Insert vague look> Bet ya there’s some dusty heads around the traps today after a turbo charged silly season weekend…especially for the odd 2000 cats that rocked up to Bondi Pavilion yesterday for the Tsubi/Modular Christmas extravaganza with WolfMother (they cranked), Sneaky, Cut Copy, Vanshe… Got some classic snaps. Click this button below to […]

Friday, December 16, 2005
This morning I cranked up the new pole to get elevation for some different angles – heavy sucker. Surf Report: Not much happening in the wave department – around 5am there were a few (so I’ve been told), but at 7am it fizzled out and I could only find a waist high shorey which wasn’t […]

Thursday, December 15, 2005
Our SE swell is rapidly running out of juice as it drops overnight. Bondi is still very surfable at 7:30am with waist to chest high waves frequently popping up. Seriously chaotic large crowds in and out of the water enjoying this sensational summer’s morning. Light winds tending moderate northeasterly in the morning and freshening near […]

Wednesday, December 14, 2005
When you’re in the desert and some one throws you a cracker – it’s the best damn cracker you’ve ever had. Today Hui threw us a cracker with 3-4 foot wind swell generated from last night’s powerful south change. In contrast to the ankle biting dribbles we’ve had of late…it looks like a fun…even if […]

Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Your toughest decision today should be what colour Aquabumps tee to buy – not to surf or not to surf. Waves are pretty much non-existent this morning with shore slappers (and I’m not talking about Sammy and Mannie standing on the waters edge). Every 10 minutes a waist high set rocks in breaking right on […]

Monday, December 12, 2005
Another sunny day without waves – sound familiar? It’s been some time since our last chunky swell and I hate to say it…but can’t see much hope on the radar for this week. The Bondi shorey was breaking around waist high with NE winds (light). It’s barely surfable…swim time. Different tune over in Hawaii as […]

Friday, December 09, 2005
You probably fell off your chair when you checked your email this morning and there sits the early bird Aquabumps email that usually drifts in around lunchtime (ok sometimes later depending how good the surf is)….ha. It’s flat. Pancakes. Another day of no surf and hot weather (max 27). In fact, there’s not really going […]

Thursday, December 08, 2005
Surf. What surf. Nothing to see here. That south change last night brought nothing but a good night’s sleep. You might find a knee high scrap at an east facing beach – other than that – its a beach day with a fat 32 degrees and perfect sunshine. Not as cooking as the sweltering heat […]

Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Different morning down at Bondi today. No waves. Zip. Barely anyone in the water…no swimmers doing laps of the bay, very few shore paddlers. What’s up? Well we had a special guest last night at Bondi – not Rasta, not Taj… just a large shark around the south headland at 6pm. The shark faffed about, […]

Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Yesterday’s mini south change kicked it up a notch (ok maybe half a notch)…it’s now not flat… but knee high dribbly bits mainly from the East. Good day for beginners…otherwise crank the work out in hope that a new swell will arrive later this week – which I think will happen. (Fri). Bureau of Meteorology […]

Monday, December 05, 2005
She’s gonna be a hot one. Fat Thirty-1 degrees today. No surf to report… nada… dribbles… no wind… glassy… perfect for a dip. NW winds with a brief south change later today which should cool things a little. Not much swell this week – do other stuff. Ramble – How about Friday nights storm that […]

Friday, December 02, 2005
We all like Fridays…especially when you’re wrapping up a decent weeks surfing in Sydney. We’ve pretty much had waves every day of some sort…with a few monsters on Mondee. That strange facial twitch has probably calmed…and you can stop staring at the virtual buoys in hope of a peak. Today we still have decent 3 […]

Thursday, December 01, 2005
Today’s report is late…yup, but for a good reason…a special guest… Today I caught up with one very chilled individual; Dave Rastovich who on a 7 hour stop-over in Sydney (on route to Hawaii) paddled out to flirt with today’s decent 3-4 footers from the east. 26 year old Rasta has a brilliant job…one to […]

Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Good morning all…There’s a lot more east in these morning chunks today…real fun ones too. Bond-age breaking 3-4 foot, clean, lil’ wonky, crowded and requiring diet pills with an 8 a.m high tide fatness. Closer to 2:30pm low tide should bring you more joy. Light offshore NW winds which will swing standard NE this afternoon. […]

Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Today’s report is late…would like to say that I’ve been surfing all morning…but sadly not true. Damn technical problems, even the best of us forget to renew domains. That aside, Sydney’s surf conditions have been quite spectacular over the past 24 hours. Yesterday afternoon we had a huge surge of monster chunks rocking into our […]

Monday, November 28, 2005
After yesterday’s belting south change we’ve got some swell today. Early morning SW winds were making it surfable with waves around 4-5 foot at Bondi. Strangely the winds will swing north westerly this afternoon – and blow pretty strong. The last time I checked it at 9am it was looking pretty funky/wonky…perhaps it will improve […]

Friday, November 25, 2005
When I was younger I used to watch the vid "Kelly Slater in Black’n’white" non stop. He was only a little grom then…obviously ripped. I remember thinking black + white is pretty cool and spent subsequent years sticking my hands in trays of toxic chemicals processing black and white prints in my parent’s laundry. Today’s […]

Thursday, November 24, 2005
The wind is still blowing the wrong direction for this messy south swell. Bondi was around chest high today and pretty choppy/weak. Early morning cloud cover not making it any prettier. Winds will swing more east or even north east later today as some sunshine pokes its head out and heats up Sydney to 23 […]

Wednesday, November 23
Dark Grey morning. Hard to get out of bed on dayz like these…especially if you were at the Odyssey party last night – I think silly season is officially open. It’s a manky chest to head high, onshore and from the south east. The violent south change overnight whipped up the days swell, but it’s […]

Tuesday, November 22, 2005
After a spike in swell yesterday afternoon we have some left-overs this morning, nice clean 2-3 footers in the southern corner of Bondi. Swell direction has swung a little more east and the winds are an optimal NW (offshore at Bondi). This swell is a one hit wonder and fading fast…especially with a 10am high […]

Monday, November 21, 2005
There were a couple of bumps drifting into Bondi this morning. Was breaking mostly around waist high and in the middle of the bay. It’s a south swell so Bondi would be attracting the most of it. It’s lacking grunt…so you’ll need to ride a board with decent buoyancy. Fortunately it will pick up this […]

Friday, November 18, 2005
What a stunning day to wake up to… crazy to be living anywhere else at this time of year. Clear skies, no wind and yup, a couple small waves lurking. Half the size of yesterday – Bondi was breaking around waist to shoulder high, the odd set bigger, nice’n’clean, but lacking the goolies of push. […]

Thursday, November 17, 2005
Bondi was around 3-4 foot this morning, but the chance of an early offshore breeze was pushed aside by menacing onshore East South Easterlies. It’s bumpy and bit all over the place, but surfable. Nothing much to froth about. High tide at 8:43am, Low tide at 3:23pm.Tomorrow will be about half the size with North […]

Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Well that southern cold front definitely hit hard yesterday. Gotta love living right on the beach…but when a big storm like that kicks in you don’t sleep much with rattling doors and windows… huh-wot-insert dopey tired look. Also found parts of my barbie smashed through the neighbor’s sports car. Joy. I think you’d find one […]

Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Looks all nice and summery down the beach at 5:30am this morning. No waves…but about 500 people exercising under clear skies and two very patient surfers in the south optimistically scanning the horizon for a bump of some sort. I didn’t see much break over dem knee caps… A group of all-night boozers were finishing […]

Monday, November 14, 2005
Bondi 7am – dribblesYeah it’s pretty much flat this morning. Some freaky waist-high sets rockin’ in if you wait long enough. You’d be a more patient man than I. The crystal ball says some decent chunks heading our way for Tuesday and Wednesday of this week…nice… the fun starts tomorrow afternoon with a new south […]

Friday, November 11, 2005
All happening down at Bondi this morning. AJ Hackett did his 300 metre bungy jump off a chopper breaking the world record height…looked like fun. Finally the swell has switched direction after last nights south change…we now have a small, short interval (wind generated) swell from the south producing rideable waves at Bondi. South Bondi […]

Thursday, November 10, 2005
How good is Kelly Slater. He’s just won his SEVENTH world title in Brazil. The man is a freak. At 33 years of age that’s pretty incredible proving himself to be one of the greatest surfers of all time. More You can feel it already…she’s gonna cook today – and you thought yesterday was hot. […]

Wednesday, November 09, 2005
There was a little bump earlier today (see pic at 5:30am to prove I was up). East North East wind swell chopped up a few chest highs at exposed beaches around 7am, but now (3:40pm)…only dribbly bits left and the North Easter is blowing. So where the hell’s your morning report…off doing stuff…it’s the late […]

Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Unrelenting early morning rain not painting a pretty picture down Bondi. The good news is that the swell has come up from the NE and you’d find 2-3 footers at exposed beaches. South facing Bondi was only drawing knee to waist high dribbles…should get bigger this afternoon. The water looks pretty grubby, so if you’re […]

Monday, November 07, 2005
We begin a brand new week with lacking surf conditions. Boo. Dribbling East swell only managing to produce waist high waves in the south corner of Bondi. Good if you’re learning I guess. North East winds will crank this afternoon generating some waves for tomorrow, mainly short interval wind waves (ocean chop on Steriods), but […]

Friday, November 04, 2005
The ENE swell dropped a few notches last night leaving us 2 foot weak wonders in the southern corner of Bondi this morning. Much better yesterday. As I write the south change is kicking in making a mess of things… so early session was really the only option. Much cooler day with 23 degrees and […]

Thursday, November 03, 2005
Ohh noooice. Crackin’ 29 degrees today. Gotta love that. As predicted the NE swell came up overnight as well producing waves around 3-4 foot at exposed beaches. Bondi was only around 2-3 foot not facing this swell direction. NE winds kicked in early after a pocket of sunrise offshores (NW). It’s not 100% clean with […]

Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Dum de dum… whilst Fingers tapping on the desk. Dribbly bits only this morning. Nothing much to surf. It’s going to change tonight when a North East swell picks up and should produce head high sets at exposed beaches tomorrow before tapering off on Friday. Light to moderate north to northeast winds, freshening in afternoon. […]

Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Le East swell has come up a little, and you’d find waves around waist to sometimes chest high down at overcast Bondee. Not much grunt. East swell direction not best suiting Bondi especially with a 7 second interval (small gap between waves). Winds are onshore (ENE) 5 knots and will swing more around to the […]

Monday, October 31, 2005
"This fog is from the butcher smoking his great hams," said one villager. "Can’t you smell them?" We woke to find ourselves shrouded in thick fog. So thick you can barely see 10 metres in front of you. Difficult to see out the back for sets…but I’m guessing it’s around knee to waist high and […]